
Table 15 Cars involved in in reported injury accidents by manoeuvre and type of accident 1

Separately for built-up and non built-up roads

Years: 2007-2011 average

Table 15 Cars involved in in reported injury accidents by manoeuvre and type of accident 1 Separately for built-up and non built-up roads Years: 2007-2011 average
Type of Accident Type of Accident
Single vehicle Single vehicle & pedestrian Two vehicles Three/ more vehicles Total Single vehicle Single vehicle & pedestrian Two vehicles Three/ more vehicles Total
numbers percentages
Reversing 5 127 66 10 208 1 8 1 1 2
Parked 2 5 222 234 462 1 0 4 17 5
Slowing or stopping 11 80 382 163 635 2 5 8 12 8
Moving off 10 97 288 37 432 2 6 6 3 5
U Turn 2 7 70 6 84 0 0 1 0 1
Turning/wtg turn left 18 48 242 25 333 4 3 5 2 4
Turning/wtg turn right 24 97 809 85 1,015 5 6 16 6 12
Changing lane 3 4 79 10 96 1 0 2 1 1
Overtaking 5 61 117 23 206 1 4 2 2 2
Going round bend 140 41 214 36 431 31 3 4 3 5
Going/waiting go ahead 232 991 2,624 754 4,601 51 64 51 55 54
Total 453 1,558 5,115 1,382 8,509 100 100 100 100 100
Non built-up
Reversing 3 1 5 4 12 0 1 0 0 0
Parked - 1 30 23 54 - 1 1 2 1
Slowing or stopping 10 2 186 162 360 1 3 7 14 7
Moving off 1 1 65 6 73 0 2 2 1 1
U Turn - - 13 1 15 - 1 1 0 0
Turning/wtg turn left 10 - 46 12 69 1 0 2 1 1
Turning/wtg turn right 9 1 263 58 330 1 1 10 5 6
Changing lane 20 1 58 18 97 1 1 2 2 2
Overtaking 33 3 134 52 223 2 5 5 4 4
Going round bend 824 5 507 102 1,438 52 8 19 9 26
Going/waiting go ahead 673 50 1,418 762 2,903 43 77 52 64 52
Total 1,584 65 2,725 1,201 5,575 100 100 100 100 100
Reversing 8 128 70 15 220 0 8 1 1 2
Parked 2 5 252 257 517 0 0 3 10 4
Slowing or stopping 21 82 567 325 995 1 5 7 13 7
Moving off 11 98 353 43 505 1 6 5 2 4
U Turn 2 7 83 7 99 0 0 1 0 1
Turning/wtg turn left 29 48 289 37 402 1 3 4 1 3
Turning/wtg turn right 33 97 1,072 143 1,345 2 6 14 6 10
Changing lane 24 5 136 28 193 1 0 2 1 1
Overtaking 39 64 251 75 429 2 4 3 3 3
Going round bend 964 47 721 138 1,869 47 3 9 5 13
Going/waiting go ahead 905 1,041 4,043 1,516 7,505 44 64 52 59 53
Total 2,038 1,623 7,840 2,583 14,084 100 100 100 100 100

1. Totals include a small number of cases where the manoeuvre is unknown.