
Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the injury accident by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred 1

Year: 2011

Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the injury accident by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred 1 Year: 2011
Northern Grampian Tayside Fife Lothian & Borders Central Strathclyde Dumfries & Galloway Total
Pedal cycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 7 8 2 2 23 3 44 - 89
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 7 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 12
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - 35 18 87 21 203 7 376
Vehicle parked and unattended - - - - - - - - -
Non - UK driver - - - - - - 1 - 1
Up to 2 km 5 22 3 6 57 6 12 - 111
Over 2 up to 5 km 5 22 4 6 59 1 3 - 100
Over 5 up to 10 km - 7 3 3 26 6 7 - 52
Over 10 up to 20 km - 7 1 - 19 5 7 - 39
Over 20 up to 50 km 3 2 4 2 34 3 3 3 54
Over 50 km 7 1 1 - 2 2 8 - 21
Total 39 69 55 37 308 47 290 10 855
Motor cycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 6 3 8 2 19 3 21 2 64
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 11 2 1 1 6 1 8 2 32
Scottish driver, distance not known 14 3 34 20 33 20 149 7 280
Vehicle parked and unattended - - - - - - 1 - 1
Non - UK driver 7 - - - - - 2 - 9
Up to 2 km 4 17 5 - 24 4 6 2 62
Over 2 up to 5 km 2 30 2 2 33 2 6 1 78
Over 5 up to 10 km 2 20 - 4 24 1 14 2 67
Over 10 up to 20 km 4 20 5 1 17 5 10 3 65
Over 20 up to 50 km 10 23 7 4 39 5 10 7 105
Over 50 km 26 8 5 2 3 2 17 2 65
Total 86 126 67 36 198 43 244 28 828
Car driver
Postcode, invalid or not known 37 80 116 64 205 55 673 21 1,251
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 24 16 15 10 52 14 111 32 274
Scottish driver, distance not known 145 32 466 278 400 371 3,319 173 5,184
Vehicle parked and unattended 7 5 - - - - 68 7 87
Non - UK driver 26 7 - - - 2 14 3 52
Up to 2 km 43 147 31 31 373 48 243 20 936
Over 2 up to 5 km 36 280 36 76 426 33 155 12 1,054
Over 5 up to 10 km 36 219 32 54 312 43 190 13 899
Over 10 up to 20 km 46 199 70 53 279 59 224 24 954
Over 20 up to 50 km 80 168 65 35 335 56 217 47 1,003
Over 50 km 140 44 92 9 64 48 289 11 697
Total 620 1,197 923 610 2,446 729 5,503 363 12,391
Other driver or rider 2
Postcode, invalid or not known 14 20 59 10 101 18 188 9 419
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 8 9 5 1 18 4 41 24 110
Scottish driver, distance not known 25 18 89 40 130 62 611 43 1,018
Vehicle parked and unattended 1 - - - - - 8 1 10
Non - UK driver 8 1 - - - 1 5 1 16
Up to 2 km 4 22 5 4 36 6 23 3 103
Over 2 up to 5 km 5 30 2 11 77 7 21 2 155
Over 5 up to 10 km 6 29 5 2 96 5 25 1 169
Over 10 up to 20 km 10 29 16 15 122 15 31 5 243
Over 20 up to 50 km 16 45 20 12 102 9 55 9 268
Over 50 km 31 20 21 - 20 6 51 5 154
Total 128 223 222 95 702 133 1,059 103 2,665
All drivers and riders
Postcode, invalid or not known 64 111 185 78 348 79 926 32 1,823
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 50 27 23 12 77 19 162 58 428
Scottish driver, distance not known 189 53 624 356 650 474 4,282 230 6,858
Vehicle parked and unattended 8 5 - - - - 77 8 98
Non - UK driver 41 8 - - - 3 22 4 78
Up to 2 km 56 208 44 41 490 64 284 25 1,212
Over 2 up to 5 km 48 362 44 95 595 43 185 15 1,387
Over 5 up to 10 km 44 275 40 63 458 55 236 16 1,187
Over 10 up to 20 km 60 255 92 69 437 84 272 32 1,301
Over 20 up to 50 km 109 238 96 53 510 73 285 66 1,430
Over 50 km 204 73 119 11 89 58 365 18 937
Total 873 1,615 1,267 778 3,654 952 7,096 504 16,739

1. The distance is estimated using the postcode of the house of the driver or rider, if this is available - please see Annex D.

2. 'Other' includes taxis, minibus, bus or coach, ridden horse, agricultural vehicles and goods vehicles.

3. Due to a small problem with a few records, some of the figures in this table will not match exactly those of other tables.

Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the reported injury accident by type of vehicle: Scottish residents only
excluding cases for which the distance cannot be estimated
Year: 2011

Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the reported injury accident by type of vehicle: Scottish residents only
excluding cases for which the distance cannot be estimated
Year: 2011