Appendix I Scottish Parliamentary Questions: April 2007 to August 2012

Appendix I Scottish Parliamentary Questions: April 2007 to August 2012

This Appendix lists Scottish Parliamentary Questions on road accident and casualty statistics for which answers were drafted by the Transport Statistics branch. It does not provide a complete list of all Parliamentary Questions relating to road accidents, because it excludes (for example) questions which were:

  • about accidents and casualties on trunk roads in Scotland - answers to which were drafted by Transport Scotland's Trunk Roads and Bus Operations section as it is responsible for the trunk road network;
  • about matters such as safety cameras, accidents involving school buses, or the number of people involved in road accidents who were convicted of certain offences - answers to which were drafted by the parts of the Scottish Government with responsibility for the relevant policy areas (Transport Statistics contributed to some of these answers - e.g. by providing whatever relevant statistics it held, or by explaining why the information requested was not available from the Stats 19 returns);
  • asked at the Westminster Parliament - answers to which were drafted by the Department for Transport, whose GB-wide database includes a copy of the Scottish Stats 19 data

However, although its coverage is not comprehensive, this Appendix should be of interest to some users of Reported Road Casualties Scotland because it provides examples of the kinds of uses that are made of the Stats 19 data.

Almost all the answers can be found via Use the information in the Reference column to complete the four boxes on the first line of the search form:

  • Session number - select Session 2 if the Reference begins S2…, or Session 3 if it begins S3….
  • Question Type - select Written for References which begin S2W… or S3W …. (NB: the Oral option identifies only oral questions which were answered in writing because they were not reached during Question Time - Oral answers given then appear in the specified date's Official Report, which can be found via:
  • Question number - enter in the next two boxes the number which appears at the end of the Reference. Two boxes are provided to allow users to select a range of PQs - e.g. S2W-27236 to S2W-27238. (NB: do not enter any leading zeros - e.g. if a Reference were S3W-00123, you should enter 123 in both boxes.)

- then just click on the Find Answers button at the foot of the form


Answer ( * )


April 2007 to September 2007

… how many road traffic (a) fatalities and (b) injuries there have been (i) in each of the last three years and (ii) so far this year, broken down by (A) police force area and (B) parliamentary region, expressed also as a percentage of all road traffic accidents and showing year-on-year percentage changes.

Information provided ($)


… in how many and what percentage of road traffic accidents drink driving was a contributory factor in each of the last five years, broken down by police force area.

Information provided


… in how many road traffic accidents resulting in (a) fatality or (b) serious injury drink driving was a contributory factor in each of the last five years, broken down by police force area.

Information provided


… what the average cost to the public purse is of road traffic accidents resulting in (a) fatality and (b) serious injury.

Information provided ($)


… what the annual cost to the public purse was of road traffic accidents in which drink driving was a contributory factor in each of the last five years for which information is available.

Information not available


… how many road traffic accidents have taken place in each year since 1999 involving foreign motorists.

Information provided


… how many road traffic accidents have taken place in each year since 1999 on the (a) A835, (b) A836, (c) A837, (d) A894, (e) A897 and (f) A9 north of the Dornoch Firth bridge.

Information provided (#)


… for how many road traffic accidents foreign motorists were deemed to be responsible in each year since 1999.

Information provided


… how many (a) motorists and (b) pedestrians were (i) injured and (ii) killed in each of the last 10 years.

Information provided ($)


… what information it has on the proportion of road deaths that can be attributed to (a) not wearing seatbelts, (b) fatigue, (c) speeding, (d) running a red light at an intersection, (e) being under the influence of alcohol and (f) being under the influence of drugs.

Information provided ($)


… what proportion of road deaths in each of the last four years occurred on (a) urban and (b) rural roads.

Information provided ($)


… what proportion of road deaths in each of the last four years occurred on roads for which (a) it is responsible and (b) local authorities are responsible.

Information provided ($)


… whether it has any information on what proportion of road accidents in Scotland involved an international visitor.

Information provided


… how many road traffic accidents have taken place on the A838 in each year since 1999.

Information provided (#)


… how many road traffic accidents involving foreign motorists have taken place on the (a) A835, (b) A836, (c) A837, (d) A838, (e) A894, (f) A897 and (g) A9 north of the Dornoch Bridge Roundabout in each year since 1999.

Information provided (#)


… for how many road traffic accidents on the (a) A835, (b) A836, (c) A837, (d) A838, (e) A894, (f) A897 and (g) A9 north of the Dornoch Bridge Roundabout foreign motorists have been deemed to be responsible in each year since 1999.

Information provided (#)


… how many road accidents there were in Grampian between November 2006 and February 2007

Information provided


… how many road accidents there were on rural roads in Grampian between November 2006 and February 2007.

Information provided


October 2007 to March 2008

… how many foreign registered vehicles have been involved in road traffic accidents in each year since 1999.

Information provided


… how many breathalyser tests were administered in (a) Dundee and (b) Angus following road accidents ineach year since 1997 and what percentage of these were recorded as failed.

Information provided


…what percentage of breathalyser tests administered following road accidents in each year since 1997 were recorded as failed.

Information provided


April 2008 to October 2009

… which roads have had the highest number of (a) accidents and (b) fatalities in each of the last 5 years.

Information provided(#)


…how many accidents involving vehicles were reported on the A739 (a) southbound and (b) northbound at the Clyde Tunnel in each year from 1997 to 2007 broken down by month.

Information provided(#)


…how many road accidents have occurred on the A723, A724, A72, B755, B7071, B7012 and B758 in each year since 1999, broken down by driver age group.

Information provided(#)

S3W-11897 to S3W-11903

…how many casualties have resulted from road accidents on the A723, A724, A72, B755, B7071, B7012 and B758 in each year since 1999, broken down by severity.

Information provided(#)

S3W-11904 to S3W-11910

…how many pedestrians have been struck by a vehicle while crossing either a zebra or a pelican crossing in the last two years.

Information provided(#)


…how many road fatalities there were in 2007-08 and how this compared with the previous three years

Information provided(#)


…how many road traffic accidents resulting in (a) injury and (b) fatality there have been on the A70 within the (i) south and (ii) east Ayrshire local authority areas in each of the last five years.

Information provided(#)


…which 20 roads have had the highest number of (a) accidents and (b) fatalities in each of the last five years

Information provided(#)


…further to the answer to question S3W-11165 by Stewart Stevenson on 17 April 2008, which roads have had the highest number of (a) accidents and (b) fatalities in each of the last five years.

Information provided(#)


…how many road traffic accidents involving drivers under the age of 25 have occurred in Hamilton in each year since 1999

Information provided(#)


…how many road traffic accidents involving drivers under the age of 25 have occurred in Blantyre in each year since 1999.

Information provided(#)


… further to the answer to question S3W-11910 by Stewart Stevenson on 29 April 2008, how many casualties have resulted from road accidents on the B758, B7012, B7071, B755, A72, A724 and A723 in each year since 2006, broken down by severity.

Information provided(#)

S3W-25545 to S3W-25551

… further to the answer to question S3W-11903 by Stewart Stevenson on 30 April 2008, how many road accidents have occurred on the B758, B7012, B7071, B755, A72, A724 and A723 in each year since 2006, broken down by driver age group.

Information provided(#)

S3W-25552 to S3W-25558

…how many people have been killed in accidents on Scottish roads in each month since May 2007

Information provided(#)


…how many people have been killed in accidents on roads in the Lothians region in each month since May 2007, broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


November 2009 to August 2010

… how many road accidents involving tractors and other agricultural vehicles there have been on (a) trunk roads and (b) non-trunk roads in the last 5 years.

Information provided(#)


…what the number (a) fatal accidents and (b) people killed in accidents on roads in Dumfries & Galloway has been in each month since May 2007, broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


… how many fatal and serious accidents accidents on roads in Dumfries & Galloway have been recorded in each month since May 2007, broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


…how many accidents of all severities have been recorded on roads in Dumfries & Galloway in each month since May 2007, broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


… how many (a) fatal accidents, (b) fatal and serious accidents and (c) accidents of all severities have been recorded on roads across Scotland in each month since May 2007, broken down by local authority area.

Information provided(#)


… how many (a) fatal accidents, (b) fatal and serious accidents and (c) accidents of all severities have been recorded on roads across Scotland in each month since May 2007, broken down by road type.

Information provided(#)


… what percentage of roads goes through (a) rural and (b) remote areas broken down by (i) region, (ii) UK Parliament constituency and (iii) Scottish Parliament constituency.

Information provided($)


…how many (a) fatal and (b) non-fatal accidents have there been on the A82 in the last 10 years.

Information provided(#)


… how many road accidents involving bicycles and cars have been reported in the last 5 years, broken down by (a) local authority area and (b) parliamentary constituency.

Information provided(#)


… how many road accidents involving motor cycles and cars have been reported in the last 5 years, broken down by (a) local authority area and (b) parliamentary constituency.

Information provided(#)


… how many serious accidents have been recorded in Midlothian since 1999, broken down by (a) year and (b) road.

Information provided(#)


… how many fatal accidents have been recorded in Midlothian since 1999, broken down by (a) year and (b) road.

Information provided(#)


… how many horse riders received (a) fatal, (b) serious, and (c) slight injuries from accidents with (i) cars, (ii) an HGV(s) and (iii) an other vehicle(s) in the last 5 years, broken down by police force area.

Information provided(#)


… on what 20 roads the highest number of (a) accidents and (b) fatalities have been recorded in each of the last five years.

Information provided(#)


… how many road accidents were associated with drivers smoking in each of the last five years.

Information not available


…how many (a) reported accidents, (b) injuries and (c) fatalities there have been on the roads since 1997, also broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


… how many cyclists have been (a) involved in reported accidents, (b) injured and (c) killed on the roads in each year since 1997, also broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


… how many (a) speed cameras and (b) road accidents there have been in each year since 1997, also broken down by local authority.

Information provided(#)


September 2010 to August 2011

…how many road crashes involving (a) oil and (b) diesel spills there have been in each year since 1999

Information provided(#)


…how many accidents were attributed to potholes and damaged road surfaces in (a)2007-08 and (b) 2008-09 and (c) 2009-10 and have been in 2010-11, broken down by local authority Information provided(#) S3W-39959

…further to the answer to question S3W-33199 by Stewart Stevenson on 12 May 2010, which roads have had the highest number of (a) accidents and (b) fatalities in each of the last five years

Information provided(#)


…how many people have been killed in accidents on roads in the Lothians region in each month since May 2007, broken down by road

Information provided(#)


September 2011 to August 2012

… how many (a) fatal and (b) non-fatal road accidents have been recorded in each police force area in each year since 1999, showing percentage changes in each year.

Information provided(#)


…how many (a) male and (b) female road fatalities of people aged (i) under-17, (ii) 18 to 25, (iii) 26 to 40, (iv) 41 to 64 and (v) over 65 have been recorded in each police force area in each year since 1999, showing percentage changes in each year.

Information provided(#)


… how many road fatalities occurred on (a) A, (b) B, (c) C and (d) unclassified roads in each police force area in each year since 1999, showing percentage changes in each year.

Information provided(#)


… how many road fatalities have been as a result of a seatbelt not being worn in each police force area in each year since 1999, showing percentage changes in each year.

Information not available


… further to the answer to question S3W-33199 by Stewart Stevenson on 12 May 2010, on what 20 roads the highest number of (a) accidents and (b) fatalities has been recorded in each of the last five years.

Information provided(#)


…how many (a) fatal and (b) non-fatal accidents there have been on roads in Central Scotland in each of the last five years, broken down by road.

Information provided(#)


( * ) - the entries in this column are as follows:

information provided - this category includes cases where:

  • only some of the information that was requested was available - e.g. questions about:
    • the numbers of road accidents and hit-and-run incidents - because the Stats 19 returns cover only injury accidents which were reported to the Police, so do not cover all accidents/incidents;or
    • the causes of accidents since 1999 - because Contributory Factors were only added to Stats 19 at the start of 2005.
    • the only information that could be provided was on a different basis from that which was requested

information not available - this category includes cases where the information requested:

  • does not exist; or
  • is not held centrally; or
  • cannot be obtained from the Transport Statistics road accident statistics system without disproportionate cost, because the system is not designed to provide it

( $ ) - the answer referred to a publicly-available source (e.g. Reported Road Casualties Scotland, or another question which had been answered previously) which contained some or all of the information which was requested. The answer may also have provided some information that was not available from the publicly-available source.

( # ) - the answer explained that the statistics which were provided were based upon the data which are held in the central road accident statistics database and which were collected by the police at the time of the accident and subsequently reported in the Stats 19 returns. They may differ from any figures which the local authorities would provide now, because they do not take account of any subsequent changes or corrections that local authorities may have made to the statistical information, for use at local level, about the location of each accident, based upon their knowledge of the roads and areas concerned.