Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2013

Table 44
Reported casualties aged up to 16 who were described as pupils on a journey to or from school1, by severity and child casualties2, by severity
Years: 2004-08 and 2008-2012 averages and 1981 to 2012
  Casualties who were described as pupils who were on a journey to or from school(1)            Child casualties(2) Casualties described as pupils … as a %of all child casualties
Killed Seriously injured Killed & Serious Slight injury All Severities Killed Killed & Serious All
number number percentage
2004-08 ave. 3 57 60 331 391 15 341 2,019 17.7 19.4
1981 12 286 298 797 1,095 61 1,457 4,863 20.5 22.5
1982 13 308 321 701 1,022 66 1,541 4,717 20.8 21.7
1983 7 316 323 695 1,018 73 1,511 4,861 21.4 20.9
1984 6 259 265 696 961 80 1,523 4,908 17.4 19.6
1985 14 261 275 746 1,021 67 1,522 5,058 18.1 20.2
1986 9 246 255 719 974 65 1,368 4,649 18.6 21.0
1987 2 215 217 633 850 57 1,251 4,465 17.3 19.0
1988 9 183 192 586 778 51 1,222 4,393 15.7 17.7
1989 5 217 222 577 799 44 1,216 4,506 18.3 17.7
1990 5 194 199 610 809 48 1,131 4,611 17.6 17.5
1991 4 173 177 551 728 43 1,021 4,155 17.3 17.5
1992 3 135 138 566 704 41 897 4,047 15.4 17.4
1993 2 108 110 519 629 39 776 3,691 14.2 17.0
1994 4 187 191 639 830 37 1,029 4,163 18.6 19.9
1995 3 142 145 512 657 30 950 3,935 15.3 16.7
1996 2 167 169 481 650 27 790 3,827 21.4 17.0
1997 1 114 115 471 586 26 745 3,798 15.4 15.4
1998 6 104 110 488 598 32 698 3,535 15.8 16.9
1999 4 86 90 508 598 25 625 3,196 14.4 18.7
2000 4 118 122 432 554 21 561 3,000 21.7 18.5
2001 2 103 105 476 581 20 544 2,923 19.3 19.9
2002 2 113 115 452 567 14 527 2,745 21.8 20.7
2003 2 72 74 356 430 17 432 2,480 17.1 17.3
2004 1 78 79 343 422 12 384 2,395 20.6 17.6
2005 2 56 58 403 461 11 368 2,172 15.8 21.2
2006 4 70 74 325 399 25 375 2,022 19.7 19.7
2007 3 44 47 311 358 9 278 1,817 16.9 19.7
2008 5 39 44 271 315 20 299 1,689 14.7 18.7
2009 0 54 54 224 278 5 258 1,473 20.9 18.9
2010 1 45 46 238 284 4 227 1,377 20.3 20.6
2011 0 31 31 218 249 7 210 1,316 14.8 18.9
2012 0 40 40 153 193 2 196 1,164 20.4 16.6
2008-12 ave. 1 42 43 221 264 8 238 1,404 18.1 18.8

1. This is the definition of "school pupil" casualty used in the road accident statistics returns.
2. Casualties aged 0 to 15, inclusive (the standard definition of "child" for the purpose of road accident statistics). Therefore, these figures do not include any 16 year old casualties who were identified as being pupils on a journey to or from school. so there is a slight inconsistency between the numerator and the denominator used to calculate the percentages.
Note: Information on pupils injured on their way to/from school is no longer collected and this table will be dropped from future editions of this publication.