Table 9 (b) Costs per accident by element of cost and severity

Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2014

Table 9 (b) Costs per accident by element of cost and severity

(b) Costs per accident by element of cost and severity
Accident Severity
Fatal Serious Slight Damage only
Lost output 684,116 27,062 3,369
Medical/ambulance 6,078 16,242 1,429
Pain, grief, suffering 1,344,539 184,386 16,054
Police and damage to property costs for GB:
Police/administration 19,336 2,269 586 38
Insurance 337 210 127 60
Damage to property Total 12,326 5,622 3,321 2,106
- Motorways 18,941 16,161 8,176 2,851
- Non built-up roads 14,890 6,788 4,500 2,967
- Built-up roads 8,779 4,705 2,776 1,985
Total costs per accident for GB 2,066,732 235,791 24,887 2,204

Note: Police costs have been updated following a survey in 2011 of police forces in England, Scotland and Wales.