Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of accident, by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred, 2017

Reported Road Casualties Scotland 2017

Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of accident, by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred, 2017

Table 16 Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the injury accident by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred 1
Year: 2017
  North East 6 Tayside Argyll & West Dunbartonshire Forth Valley Dumfries & Galloway Ayrshire Greater Glasgow
Pedal cycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 4 - - 2 - 4 7
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 1 - - - - 1 1
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - - - - - 3 2
Vehicle parked and unattended - - - - - - -
Non - UK driver 4 - - - - 1 - -
Up to 2 km 30 24 5 25 4 14 86
Over 2 up to 5 km 11 5 2 8 4 2 44
Over 5 up to 10 km 7 2 2 5 - 8 16
Over 10 up to 20 km 3 3 1 1 2 1 4
Over 20 up to 50 km 1 3 1 1 - 4 1
Over 50 km 1 - - 1 - 2 -
Total 58 37 11 43 11 39 161
Motorcycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 8 3 1 2 - - 3
Driver from elsewhere in the UK - 2 4 1 6 2 1
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - - - 1 - 2 1
Vehicle parked and unattended - - - - - - -
Non - UK driver 4 2 - 2 1 1 2 -
Up to 2 km 14 11 3 4 3 7 21
Over 2 up to 5 km 11 10 3 8 2 2 18
Over 5 up to 10 km 6 9 3 3 5 7 16
Over 10 up to 20 km 6 2 - 4 3 7 4
Over 20 up to 50 km 13 16 5 4 2 4 1
Over 50 km 8 4 8 3 3 4 -
Total 68 57 29 31 25 37 65
Car driver
Postcode, invalid or not known 53 31 15 22 12 19 132
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 7 9 21 9 38 9 22
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 2 1 2 7 - 38 46
Vehicle parked and unattended 4 - 7 - 7 18 45
Non - UK driver 4 8 3 12 4 4 1 4
Up to 2 km 121 151 79 180 52 162 490
Over 2 up to 5 km 83 85 68 122 37 107 361
Over 5 up to 10 km 88 87 43 81 42 95 324
Over 10 up to 20 km 81 75 45 65 54 89 197
Over 20 up to 50 km 84 81 48 72 31 79 103
Over 50 km 37 83 41 23 20 22 37
Total 568 606 381 585 297 639 1,761
Other driver or rider 2
Postcode, invalid or not known 8 19 3 7 7 2 31
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 3 7 3 7 23 11 7
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - - 1 1 - 4 13
Vehicle parked and unattended - - 1 - 1 2 4
Non - UK driver 4 - - 1 - - - 1
Up to 2 km 15 15 11 13 3 11 35
Over 2 up to 5 km 13 15 15 17 5 12 59
Over 5 up to 10 km 10 5 2 15 14 15 60
Over 10 up to 20 km 15 16 13 14 7 23 45
Over 20 up to 50 km 23 20 7 16 11 25 33
Over 50 km 16 19 16 4 14 13 9
Total 103 116 73 94 85 118 297
All drivers and riders
Postcode, invalid or not known 73 53 19 33 19 25 173
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 11 18 28 17 67 23 31
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 2 1 3 9 - 47 62
Vehicle parked and unattended 4 - 8 - 8 20 49
Non - UK driver 4 10 3 15 5 6 3 5
Up to 2 km 180 201 98 222 62 194 632
Over 2 up to 5 km 118 115 88 155 48 123 482
Over 5 up to 10 km 111 103 50 104 61 125 416
Over 10 up to 20 km 105 96 59 84 66 120 250
Over 20 up to 50 km 121 120 61 93 44 112 138
Over 50 km 62 106 65 31 37 41 46
Total 797 816 494 753 418 833 2,284

1. The distance is estimated using the postcode of the house of the driver or rider, if this is available - please see Annex D.
2. 'Other' includes taxis, minibus, bus or coach, ridden horse, agricultural vehicles and goods vehicles.
3. Due to a small problem with a few records, some of the figures in this table will not match exactly those of other tables.
4. Fife, Lothian & Borders and Tayside do not collect data for foreign drivers.
5. Due to a problem with the methodology in producing this table, there was an error in with these figures in previous editions of this table.
6. In 2015 the police created a new North East division by combining Aberdeenshire, Moray and Aberdeenshire councils.

Table 16 cont'd - Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of the injury accident by type of vehicle and police force area in which the reported accident occurred1 Year: 2017
  Lothians & Scottish Borders Edinburgh Highlands & Islands Fife Renfrewshire & Inverclyde Lanarkshire total
Pedal cycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 5 8 2 1 - 2 35
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 1 1 2 - - - 7
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - 1 - - 1 - 7
Vehicle parked and unattended 1 - - - - - 1
Non - UK driver 4 - 7 - - - - 8
Up to 2 km 23 87 8 18 17 13 354
Over 2 up to 5 km 17 57 5 3 2 8 168
Over 5 up to 10 km 10 20 4 - 8 10 92
Over 10 up to 20 km 10 4 3 - 7 7 46
Over 20 up to 50 km 5 5 1 1 - 4 27
Over 50 km 1 2 1 - 1 - 9
Total 73 192 26 23 36 44 754
Motorcycle rider
Postcode, invalid or not known 2 4 16 1 - 1 41
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 9 - 15 - - 1 41
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 - - - - 1 1 6
Vehicle parked and unattended 1 - - - - - 1
Non - UK driver 4 1 2 9 - - 1 21
Up to 2 km 11 24 6 8 3 9 124
Over 2 up to 5 km 11 14 6 6 4 14 109
Over 5 up to 10 km 12 13 2 6 1 10 93
Over 10 up to 20 km 12 10 1 7 1 3 60
Over 20 up to 50 km 6 7 6 8 2 6 80
Over 50 km 8 4 9 2 1 1 55
Total 73 78 70 38 13 47 631
Car driver
Postcode, invalid or not known 63 114 60 26 28 51 626
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 24 10 35 5 4 22 215
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 1 1 4 3 15 30 150
Vehicle parked and unattended 30 41 2 - 12 29 195
Non - UK driver 4 18 20 6 - - 1 81
Up to 2 km 240 208 62 124 144 381 2,394
Over 2 up to 5 km 192 188 42 77 92 251 1,705
Over 5 up to 10 km 176 173 32 100 79 217 1,537
Over 10 up to 20 km 154 103 51 47 55 139 1,155
Over 20 up to 50 km 95 75 50 37 41 91 887
Over 50 km 36 40 69 13 15 19 455
Total 1,029 973 413 432 485 1,231 9,400
Other driver or rider 2
Postcode, invalid or not known 23 50 16 6 7 20 199
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 11 4 6 1 - 16 99
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 1 3 - - 3 2 28
Vehicle parked and unattended 9 8 1 - 3 6 35
Non - UK driver 4 3 4 2 - 1 3 15
Up to 2 km 26 28 7 14 17 35 230
Over 2 up to 5 km 19 56 6 7 10 15 249
Over 5 up to 10 km 37 53 8 9 17 32 277
Over 10 up to 20 km 27 61 9 17 8 21 276
Over 20 up to 50 km 36 56 17 8 17 30 299
Over 50 km 23 18 33 7 1 4 177
Total 215 341 105 69 84 184 1,884
All drivers and riders
Postcode, invalid or not known 93 176 94 34 35 74 901
Driver from elsewhere in the UK 45 15 58 6 4 39 362
Scottish driver, distance not known 5 2 5 4 3 20 33 191
Vehicle parked and unattended 41 49 3 - 15 35 232
Non - UK driver 4 22 33 17 - 1 5 125
Up to 2 km 300 347 83 164 181 438 3,102
Over 2 up to 5 km 239 315 59 93 108 288 2,231
Over 5 up to 10 km 235 259 46 115 105 269 1,999
Over 10 up to 20 km 203 178 64 71 71 170 1,537
Over 20 up to 50 km 142 143 74 54 60 131 1,293
Over 50 km 68 64 112 22 18 24 696
Total 1,390 1,584 614 562 618 1,506 12,669

1.The distance is estimated using the postcode of the house of the driver or rider, if this is available - please see Annex D.
2. 'Other' includes taxis, minibus, bus or coach, ridden horse, agricultural vehicles and goods vehicles.
3. Due to a small problem with a few records, some of the figures in this table will not match exactly those of other tables.
4. Fife, Lothian & Borders and Tayside do not collect data for foreign drivers.
5. Due to a problem with the methodology in producing this table, there was an error in with these figures in previous editions of this table.

Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of
the reported injury accident by type of vehicle: Scottish residents only

excluding cases for which the distance cannot be estimated
Year: 2017

Estimated distance between the home of the driver or rider and the location of
the reported injury accident by type of vehicle: Scottish residents only
excluding cases for which the distance cannot be estimated
Year: 2017

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