1. Additional information of the Scottish Government's Purpose and National Performance Framework can be found here -
2. The Annual Survey of Household Earnings (ASHE), suggests that the annual median wage in "Human Health & Social Work Activities", which we see as the most relevant comparator here, is £19,559. Assuming pay at this level, the 75 paid staff members would generate around £1.467 million in direct earnings each year. The Scottish Input-Output tables suggests that the "Type II Multipliers" (which takes account of direct, indirect and induced spending) for this type of activity is 1.9. . This suggests that the total jobs provided across the five case studies contribute gross (ie net of displacement) GVA of almost £2.8 million to the Scottish economy each year.
3. Gross Value Added is a measure of the value of all goods and services produced in an area, industry or sector of an economy.
4. MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awarness Scheme); PATS (Passenger Assistant Training Scheme); MEET (Minibus Emergency Evacuation Training)
5. The Retail Price Index excluding mortgage interest repayments (RPIX) is a standard measure of inflation which strips out the effect of housing.