Research Support for the 2015 Transport Accessibility Summit


1. Scottish Government, Disability Evidence Review, 2013

2. A draft disability delivery plan is currently being prepared in coproduction with DPOs in advance of a public consultation exercise prior to the publication of the Scottish Government's Disability Delivery Plan in response to the UNCRPD.

3. 2001 Census

4. Transport and Travel in Scotland 2013, Transport Scotland, 2013

5. Scottish Household Survey and TNS Survey of disabled adults, reproduced in Improved Public Transport for Disabled People Volume 1, Scottish Executive, 2006

6. Life Opportunities Survey, Office for Disability Issues, Office for National Statistics, 2011 and The Tipping Point, Disability Agenda Scotland, 2012

7. Life Opportunities Survey. Office for Disability Issues, Office for National Statistics, 2011

8. Review of Equality Evidence in Rural Scotland, Scottish Government, 2015

9. Consultation to inform the Scottish Government's response to the UN on a report on the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People

10. Hate Crime Against Disabled People in Scotland, Capability Scotland and Disability Rights Commission, 2004

11. Transport and Travel in Scotland 2013, Transport Scotland, 2013

12. Scottish Government, Disability Evidence Review, 2013

13. Review of Equality Evidence in Rural Scotland, Scottish Government, 2015

14. Transport and Travel in Scotland 2013, Transport Scotland, 2013

15. Scottish Government, Disability Evidence Review, 2013

16. Reporting on Progress towards Equality of Opportunity between Disabled Persons and Other Persons made by Public Authorities in Scotland, Scottish Government. 2008.

17. Mind the Gap, Scottish Consortium of Learning Disabilities, 2008

18. The Use and Value of the Blue Badge Scheme, Research Resource and ODS Consulting, 2012

19. A Vision for an Inclusive Scotland, Inclusion Scotland, 2014

20. Guide Dogs for the Blind, online

21. Disability Discrimination on Public Transport in the UK, A2B, 2012

22. Travel mentoring service for disabled Londoners launches in Croydon, Transport for London, 2014.



25. Go North East Accessibility Guide

26. Methodology for Describing the Accessibility of Transport in Europe, 2010

27. As above

28. As above

29. Wheelchair (In)accessible: The Story Behind an App That Maps Obstacles for the Disabled, Tramz, M, 2013, October 14