Purpose and structure of this report
Purpose and structure of this report
This report is produced in response to a brief from Cycling Scotland, commissioned by Transport Scotland, to carry out a review of the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (CAPS) and future priorities for cycling in Scotland in relation to CAPS. The report does not present any new evidence but is instead based on a review of, in particular, the actions set out in a number of national, regional and local level policy documents that have relevance to active travel. It provides a structured critique of these actions and makes some recommendations as to how these actions could be strengthened, speeded up and/or supplemented by further actions in order, ultimately, to increase the take up of cycling and active travel in Scotland.
The other chapters of this report are structured as follows. Firstly, there is a brief recap of the international evidence on what is needed to increase levels of cycling quickly over a small number of years. Secondly, and in relation to the international evidence, the report then reviews the quality of the actions in four key documents (as defined in the brief). It then more briefly reviews the actions in a larger number of national documents, and those in local and regional Active Travel Strategies. The report then considers the evidence of progress in Scotland in terms of delivering the actions reviewed previously, and in terms of the country hitting its targets for levels of cycling. It discusses what more might need to be done both in implementing existing actions and in further developing actions or adding completely new ones, and summarises this as a set of recommendations.
Documents reviewed for this report
The following key documents (as defined by the brief) were reviewed:
- A Long-Term Vision for Active Travel in Scotland 2030
- Active Travel Framework 2019 latest draft
- Active Travel Taskforce Report 2018
- Active Travel Taskforce Delivery Plan 2019
- Cycling Action Plan for Scotland 2017-2020
In addition, the actions in the following other documents were reviewed:
- ‘A More Active Scotland - Scotland’s Physical Activity Delivery Plan 2018’
- A Healthier Future - Action and Ambitions on Diet Activity and Healthy Weight Consultation Document 2017
- Abellio ScotRail Cycle Innovation Plan (CIP)
- Active Scotland Delivery Plan
- Cleaner Air for Scotland Air Quality Strategy 2017
- Climate Change Plan: third report on proposals and policies 2018-2032 (RPP3)
- Cycling Action Plan Progress Report 2016
- Going Further Scotland’s Accessible Travel Framework 2016
- Infrastructure Investment Plan 2015
- National Planning Framework 2014
- National Transport Strategy (consultation) 2019
- Prevention of Obesity Route Map 2010
- Scotland Walking: National Walking Strategy Delivery Plan – Action Plan 2016-2026
- Scotland’s Railways Strategy document 2006
- Scottish Planning Policy 2014
- Transport (Scotland) Bill 2019
A Strategic Transport Projects Review 2 document was not available at the time this work was carried out. Finally, Local Authority Active Travel Strategies and Regional Transport Strategies were reviewed by Matt Davis at Sustrans Scotland, whose assistance is gratefully acknowledged.