Appendix One: Road Safety Officer discussion guide
Appendix One: Road Safety Officer discussion guide
Your Call - Road Safety Unit Officers
1. Information about schools
- Can you tell us of any secondary schools that have been particularly active in their use of the resource – or used it in interesting ways?
- And any examples where there has been minimal use?
- What about special schools or colleges?
- Are there other bodies who use the resource in your area? For example, outreach centres, fire service, or any others?
- Any particular schools or colleges you think we should avoid? (why?)
- What is your perception of how the resource is used?
2. Knowledge and awareness
- General views on Your Call
- What were your first reactions to this resource?
- How would you describe it to someone who hadn't seen it?
- Did you receive any training on this resource?
- How do you think it compares to other road safety materials for young people?
3. Your role
- Did all the schools in your area receive a copy of Your Call when it was first launched? (why/why not?)
- How was your road safety unit involved in promoting the resource locally?
- How was your road safety unit involved in distributing the resource locally?
- Was any training done with schools on the contents of the resource?
- Did you receive any feedback at the time from staff (or pupils) about the resource?
4 Format of the resource
- What did you think are the most effective parts of the resource?
- Do you have any views on the format or delivery of the resource?
- Is it the right tone, level and content for the age group it is aimed at?
- Are there any parts of the resource that you think could be improved or developed?
5. Impact of the resource
- Do you think the Your Call resource is likely to affect the behaviour of young people as passengers or pedestrians?
- Do you think there are other more effective ways to engage with young people about road safety?
- Any other comments?