Appendix Three – Pupil discussion guide(s)
Appendix Three – Pupil discussion guide(s)
Review of Your Call - Discussion guide – Pupils (S1/S2/S3)
Length of group: approx. 50-55 minutes
Introduction (5 mins)
- Introduce moderator and ODS Consulting
- Explain the purpose of the research and how views will be used
- Explain that:
- ODS will not attribute comments to individuals
- Your comments will remain anonymous
- Participation is voluntary
- Explain how views will be recorded
- Pupil introductions
Recollection and use of resource (20 mins)
- Do you remember using any road safety resources in school? Which ones? (prompt Your Call if no-one mentions)
- What can you remember about the resource? Can you describe it to me? Any points that have stuck with you?
- Donnie's Story
- Matt's Story
- Risk Cards
- Risk Quiz
- First on the Scene DVD
- What if Cards
- Section on consequences
Only at this point show the group the Your Call Resource. – Do you remember it? When did you first see it? What was your first reaction?
Refer back to list of different aspects of the resource:
- In which class did you first see Your Call?
- How long did you spend on it? – Was this too long? Not long enough?
- What did you do/ Which activities did you do?
- Which aspects of the resource did you do in class?
- Did you talk as a class about any of the activities or content of Your Call?
- Do you think that Your Call could be used (not in PSE) but as part of any other classes?
Discussion about the resource (10 mins)
Ask the pupils to discuss why some aspects of Your Call are better than others.
What would you tell other young people about Your Call?
Learning from Your Call (15 mins)
What were the main messages?
Did you learn anything new?
Did you think the resource was relevant to your age group?
Do you think Your Call has changed your attitude to road safety?
Do you think Your Call has changed your behaviour while out and about?
Delivery of the event (5 mins)
Who delivered the Your Call resource to your class? What did they do with the class? (Why/Why not?)
What did you think of the style of Your Call? (Is there an alternative format for delivering this type of information that you would have preferred?
Wrapping up
Overall, how would you rate Your Call out of ten?
Review of Your Call - Discussion guide – Pupils (S1/S2/S3)
Pupils with Additional Support Needs
Length of group: approx. 50-55 minutes
- Introduce moderator and ODS Consulting
- Explain the purpose of the research and how views will be used
- Explain that:
- ODS will not attribute comments to individuals
- Your comments will remain anonymous
- Participation is voluntary
- Explain how views will be recorded
- Pupil introductions – Name, Which year group, want to drive in the future? Have big brothers or sisters/cousins who are driving now?
Recollection and use of resource (20 mins)
- Do you remember using any road safety resources in school? Which ones? (prompt Your Call if no-one mentions)
- What can you remember about the resource? Can you describe it to me?
Show the group the DVD(10 mins)
- Do you remember it?
- When did you first see it?
- Did you like it? What was the best bit? Any bits you didn't like?
- Probe: did you like the style of the weblogs?
- Did you like the characters? Why/Why not?
Show the group the rest of the resource (cards, etc) (10 mins)
- Did you use these?
- Did you like them? (why/why not?)
- What did you do with them? How long did you spend on it?
Discuss any aspects that could be improved – what would make the resource better?
Learning from Your Call (15 mins)
- What did you learn from Your Call – what were the main messages?
- Did you learn anything new?
- Was the information useful?
- Have you changed your behaviour when you're out on the roads?
- Have you changed your attitude?