A well maintained and managed transport infrastructure is vital to Scotland.
The transport infrastructure supports all facets of our society. It supports economic stability and growth at a local and national level, connects communities providing access to vital services such as hospitals and schools, and enables us to make the most of our free time.
The motorways and trunk roads in Scotland form a fundamental part of the transport network. Transport Scotland, an executive agency of the Scottish Government, is responsible for the operation, maintenance and management of the motorways and trunk roads, known as the trunk road network.
In order to provide the service that Scotland requires from the trunk road network, while at the same time providing best value for public money, we apply recognised best practice in asset management. Our asset management practices include road user surveys (aiding our understanding of your concerns and priorities), tools and techniques for identifying and planning works that provide best value for money, procedures for assessing and mitigating risk, and tools and techniques for assessing the short (1 to 3 year) and long term (up to 20 years) maintenance needs of the trunk road network.
This Road Asset Management Plan (RAMP) is one of our key asset management documents. The RAMP sets out the level of service we intend to provide on the trunk road network alongside the work and investment required to achieve this.
I hope that you find the contents of the RAMP interesting and would be very happy to receive your comments.
Roy Brannen
Chief Executive of Transport Scotland
January 2016