BCI | Bridge Condition Indicator |
BIM | Building Information Management |
CCAP | Climate Change Adaption Programme |
CCARP | Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Plan |
CCMS | Contract Control and Management System |
DBFO | Design, Build, Finance and Operate |
DMRB | Design Manual for Roads and Bridges |
DRC | Depreciated Replacement Cost |
FReM | Financial Reporting Manual |
GIS | Geographical Information System |
GRC | Gross Replacement Cost |
IRIS | Integrated Roads Information System |
ISO | International Organisation of Standardisation |
ITS | Intelligent Transport System |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
L-CMS | Lighting – Central Management System |
OC | Operating Company |
PAG | Performance Audit Group |
PMF | Performance Management Framework |
PMS | Pavement Management System |
PVA | Potentially Vulnerable Areas |
RAMM | Road Asset Management Manual |
RAMP | Road Asset Management Plan |
RAVS | Roads Asset Valuation System |
RCI | Road Condition Index |
RMMS | Routine Maintenance and Management System |
SCANNER | Surface Condition Assessment of the National Network of Roads |
SCOTS | Society of Chief Officers for Transportation in Scotland |
SCRIM | Sideways Force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
SMS | Structures Management System |
SRRB | Scottish Road Research Board |
SRTDb | Scottish Roads Traffic Database |
SRWC | Scottish Road Works Commissioner |
TRBO | Trunk Road and Bus Operations Directorate |
TS | Transport Scotland |
VM | Value Management |
VMS | Variable Message Sign |
WLC | Whole Life Cost |