Priority Focus Areas: Framework Funding

Road Safety Framework: Annual Report 2016

Priority Focus Areas: Framework Funding

Below are the various activities/projects which received grants from the Framework fund to fulfil the seven outcomes identified for the three PFA. Some activities cover more than one outcome, demonstrating how road safety initiatives tend to be interconnected, with improvements in one area potentially leading to improvements in another.




Increase the proportion of vehicles travelling at appropriate speeds on Scotland's roads to support reducing road casualty numbers.


The number of injury accidents where at least one of the two "speed" contributory factors are recorded.

Positive behavioural or attitudinal trends in drivers including driving at appropriate speeds and awareness and understanding of speed limits and what they mean.


RSF 74: Encourage local authorities to introduce 20mph zones or limits in residential areas and areas of towns or cities with a high volume of pedestrians and cyclists as set out in the 2015 Good Practice guide on 20mph Speed restrictions.


Living Streets Scotland's project will included action-based research to demonstrate how greater support for 20mph speed limits might be secured at a local level. Support will be provided to communities and local authorities to increase the number, and more effective delivery, of 20mph schemes. The introduction of such schemes will contribute to both the Speed and Pedestrian outcomes. The project will adopt a strong partnership approach by engaging with a wide range of stakeholders to identify areas where greater promotional activity could positively influence the roll-out of 20 mph limits. This project is designed to build community ownership, increasing the level of community support to positively influence behaviour change and compliance.



Improve the safety of motorcycling by reducing levels of motor cycle injury accidents on the road network to support reducing road casualty numbers.


Number of motorcyclists involved in injury accidents, including those where vehicles hit objects off the carriageway.


RSF 76: Provide support for motorcyclists; for example, through advanced rider training schemes and raise awareness of bad or dangerous riding behaviour, through safety awareness initiatives such as Operation Zenith.


Argyll and Bute Council, in partnership with North Ayrshire Council and INDMedia, will publish Scottish Biker magazine (both in hard-copy and electronically) and develop a dedicated motorcycle website. The project's goal is for motorcyclists to utilise the information, knowledge and advice offered to positively affect their rider skills and behaviours, and consequently reduce motorcyclist casualty rates.




Improve knowledge, positive attitudes and safer behaviours of individuals in relation to road safety before they start driving.


Number of secondary school or college pupils receiving interactive pre-driver educational intervention.

Number of people completing the Scottish Qualifications Authority safe road user award or other accredited assessment or training.


RSF 79: Seek to influence young people's attitudes to road safety and future driving behaviour before they get behind the wheel and investigate the usage and delivery by schools of pre-driver educational intervention and event training resources such as and including "Get into Gear" in supporting their effectiveness.


Police Scotland will work collaboratively with Scottish Borders Council, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and IAM RoadSmart to deliver three sub-projects. These are aimed at improving knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours by delivering awareness raising and training opportunities for those drivers most at risk of injury related accidents. This will contribute to all three Age related Outcomes and the projects aim to reduce the number of children, young drivers and older drivers killed or seriously injured, and contribute directly to Scottish Borders Council's Safer Communities Acton Plan. Each project will include a specific range of learning and training programmes suited to their respective age group. This will enable drivers to develop their knowledge and skills, together with identifying and reducing risk taking behaviours.

Drivers aged 17 to 25


Increase safer driving behaviours by young drivers after they pass their test.


The proportion of drivers aged 17-25 involved in injury accidents.

Number of risk behaviours undertaken by drivers aged 17 to 25 whilst driving in the preceding 12 months.


RSF 09: Continue to look for innovative ways to target younger drivers with appropriate messages, including effective social media platforms, about safe driving to increase their awareness and understanding of their vulnerability and the dangers they face due to age and inexperience.


See pre-driver and cyclist activities.

Older drivers


Increase awareness and knowledge capability of older drivers and their families to make informed choices about safe driving.


The proportion and number of drivers aged 65 and older involved in injury accidents.

Number of risk behaviours undertaken by drivers aged 65 and older whilst driving in the preceding 12 months.


RSF 83: Support initiatives to raise awareness amongst older drivers and their families, of their vulnerability and ways in which they can address this in order to make informed choices about safe driving.


See pre-driver activity.




Reduce the number of cyclist casualties through good design, appropriate speed management, high awareness of and compliance with road traffic laws and safe practices by all road users.


Number of cyclists involved in injury accidents across both the built-up and non-built-up road network.

Number of cyclists and all other road users displaying positive attitudes towards each other.

Number of risk and distraction behaviours undertaken by drivers whilst driving in the preceding 12 months.


RSF 27: Ensure that all road users receive appropriate education and training to encourage safer cycling in the road environment, including journeys to and from school and in residential areas.


Cycling Scotland will provide early intervention by incentivising young and learner drivers to undertake vulnerable road-user awareness training, including Practical Cycle Awareness Training. The training will be delivered over six months to enable the delivery of a range of educational material. A part-time coordinator will be resourced to manage affiliations with local partners and authorities, administer courses, and support development and external accreditation of local authority led training programmes over a 12-month period. Their role will support the partnership approach and oversee training delivery to encourage awareness of pre-driver attitudes and behaviours.



Reduce the number of pedestrian casualties through good design, appropriate speed management, high awareness of and compliance with road traffic laws and safe practices by all road users.


Number of pedestrians involved in injury accidents across both the built-up and non-built-up road network.

Number of risk and distraction behaviours undertaken by drivers whilst driving in the preceding 12 months.


RSF 74: Encourage local authorities to introduce 20 mph zones or limits in residential areas and areas of towns or cities with a high volume of pedestrians and cyclists as set out in the 2015 Good Practice Guide on 20 mph Speed Restrictions.


See speed activity.

Alongside the Framework funded activities, PFA were further supported by a number of other projects. For the sake of brevity, the commitments, outcomes and indicators have not been reiterated below.