Strategic Delivery Plan

Road Safety Framework: Annual Report 2016

Strategic Delivery Plan

The SDP was designed to align road safety partner activity to our casualty reduction targets and Vision Zero. With SSA as its overarching assumption, the SDP has aligned the PFA outcomes and indicators with the Scottish Government's National Outcomes in order to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured across Scotland.

SDP Process

In utilising the SDP, delivery partners align their own respective strategic plans to high-level Framework Activity by identifying which Priority Focus Area, and which overarching road safety outcome(s), they will deliver. Activity is developed and delivered using strategic linkages, and gauged through the agreed outcome indicators (adopted for being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). By measuring the progress towards the 2020 casualty reduction targets, it can establish if the National Outcomes are being realised.

Strategic Delivery Plan