Framework to 2030
Road Safety Framework 2019 - Annual Report
Framework to 2030
Throughout 2019 there were a series of workshops, exploring the direction the Scottish Government and partners should take moving into the Road Safety Framework to 2030. These covered vulnerable road users, age and driving for work aiming to identify the key issues moving forward, these workshops brought together over 100 representatives from across a wide range of road safety organisations and businesses to share ideas and knowledge on how we can help shape the next framework.
Transport Scotland also set up a Stakeholder Working Group comprising of Road Safety partners who worked with officials to develop a draft public consultation.
SPB/OPG Discussions covered what should be included in the next iteration of the Road Safety Framework, with the agreement to continue with the following areas already covered by the current framework:
- Vision Zero
- Casualty Reduction Targets
- Safe System (formally adopted through the Mid-Term Review)
- Specific outcomes, with associated indicators, in key priority areas (set through the Review)
- Partnership approach set within a strategic context
It was agreed that working alongside our local delivery partners to understand the local system, its relationship to national systems was key to move forward. Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy Team set out a 'Team Scotland' approach to identify what initiatives are happening at a local level, learn from best practice and evaluate results with a view to sharing best practice. It is also about delivering a wider understanding about the challenges that we all face and work closer to establish solutions to those challenges.
Transport Scotland Analytical Services commissioned research to help inform measures to be used for Scotland's Road Safety Framework 2030. The research had two key aims: to recommend 2030 casualty targets for road casualties in Scotland; and to recommend Key Performance Indicators to help accurately monitor progress against the 2030 Road Safety framework outcomes. The report produced by the consultant will be published on TS website early 2020.
The next Framework will allow Scotland to remain world-leading in road safety. It will:
- be based on strong political leadership at national, regional and local level
- be developed and delivered collaboratively
- be integrated to wider SG priorities such as an healthier and more equal nation, and the climate emergency situation
- fully embed the Safe System for road safety at all levels
- have outcomes based on the five pillars of the Safe System, 12 challenges such as Vulnerable Road Users, Climate Change, Emerging Technologies, and 10 strategic actions such as funding, enforcement and health, the delivery of which will be monitored through casualty reduction targets and intermediate outcome targets (e.g. on speed).