Agenda Item 2 - Updates from the Governance Groups
Activity Reports from OPG & LPFs
Key priority groups (KPGs)
The OPG discussed the SPBs recommendation on whether three KPGs are required and concluded that by merging these groups into one would prove a significant challenge to discuss all relevant information and suggest recommendations. The SPB agreed and TS will now begin to work on the creation of the three groups, and we will look to hold the first meetings in 2024.
Casualty Data
70+ is a wide ranging age bracket and the group will look to have a deeper dive into these to establish the age range with the highest KSIs. Police reporting will also soon change to record those aged 70+ as an older road users instead of 65+ which is how these are currently captured.
Road Safety summit
On the back of a rise in casualties, the group discussed the proposal of holding a road safety summit, discussed later in the agenda.
North - 15 June 2023
- Seen an increase in fatalities and back to the 2014/18 average - 20 more fatalities in 2022 (63 in total) from the previous year.
- 70 plus age group has seen the biggest increase in casualties & motorcycle KSIs also increased when compared to the other LPF areas.
- Update on the initiatives ran in the north was provided.
LPF East
- The groups with the highest fatalities in the LPF East are pedestrians (16) and car users (19).
- In the east the 70+ age group (12) has the most fatalities followed by the 20-29 age group (9).
- Initiatives that are running in the east to address the two age groups with the highest fatalities were discussed.
OH queried the trend in the increasing number of casualties in older road users and asked how much emphasis is on the individual.
GH advised that this is a reserved matter but will have a deep dive in to collision data then discuss this with the DfT. The ‘Older Road User’ group ran by Police Scotland was also highlighted.
CP raised that it may be worth targeting the families of older road users to have that conversation of giving up their licence.
GH noted the importance to raise awareness and gathering data, and agreed that supporting families is important, which Police Scotland has done work on.
IG highlighted that in 2022 there was 47 fatalities for 70+, noting that this age range is significant.
JM highlighted that the rate of the older population is increasing and is due to grow by 30%.
SF emphasised the importance of utilising the LPFs, and sharing best practice between local authority areas.
Action Point: GH to liaise with DfT regarding the policy on older road users and licensing.
Action Point: Discuss the LPFs and the partnership approach that is available with sharing best practices, at the Road Safety Summit.