Agenda Item 6 - Delivery Plan Progress and Commitments
Delivery Plan - Progress and Development
An overview of the deliverables contained in the 2022/23 delivery plan that were red/amber at the time of the last meeting were provided, and an update on the current position of each of these deliverables were given.
When discussing Road Traffic Diversionary Courses, it was noted that it is still to be determined if this is a Roads Policing or Criminal justice matter. HS advised that ACC Ritchie is due to meet with the Head of Criminal Justice Services Division and will provide an update to the secretariat/GH.
Risk Register
Members agreed to the current risk and scoring.
When discussing budgets and resources to partners, the Chair advised that deliverables contained in the delivery plan will drive this, as partners will bring resource to the table, and deliver road safety initiatives.
Action Point: HS to provide an update to Secretariat/George on the meeting between ACC Ritchie and the Head of Criminal Justice Services Division on Road Traffic Diversionary Courses.