Agenda Item 7 - Road Safety Summit
On the back of a rise in casualties, the OPG discussed the proposal of holding a road safety summit, bringing together all key partners in Scotland to establish what more can be done to deliver effective road safety measures. As well as focussing all our road safety partners to review their current initiatives, the summit will help identify new strategies to reverse the rise in casualties and restore progress towards the Government's casualty reduction targets. The Summit will be held at the start of 2024, and the minister will deliver the key note address.
GH highlighted the importance of having every partner there, whether they have a direct or indirect involvement in road safety.
The Chair commented that a lot can be achieved collaboratively on reduced budgets, highlighting the importance of partnership working. It was agreed that TS will shape the summit and report back to the board.
Action Point: TS to shape the Summit, suggest key topics, speakers and report to the Board.