1. The 30-year average August rainfall in Scotland varies between 67mm on the east coast and 150mm in the west of Scotland (Anon, 1989).
  2. Source:
  3. Source:
  4. A second, parallel, study on climate change (Galbraith et al., 2005a; 2005b) identified the potential impacts and associated actions in the light of UKCIP02 ( That study did not consider landslides, but contained data which helped to inform views on the potential impacts of climate change reported in Section 10.2.
  5. Notwithstanding this, emerging UKCIP08 data is expected to allow much more sophisticated modelling, including weather generators to produce rainfall data.
  6. It should be noted that these techniques as developed and used do not necessarily lend themselves to use on a routine, real-time basis. In addition, issues surrounding the shadow effects in mountainous regions have only been partially resolved.