Chapter 03 - Road Freight

Chapter 03 - Road Freight

1. Introduction

1.1 This chapter provides information about road freight lifted by UK-registered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs: over 3.5 tonnes gross weight), such as the weight of goods lifted in Scotland by origin and destination, the lengths of haul, the destinations within the UK and Europe, and the types of commodity lifted.

1.2 Following a methodology change from paper to online data collection, it has been concluded that road goods data before and after July to September 2021 (quarter 3) should not be compared. Data is presented as a 12 month figure for the period ending June 2022. For more details on the methodology change and results from an investigation, please see Domestic road freight statistics: Methodology note - GOV.UK (

2. Main Points

Good Lifted and Distance

2.1 In the 12 month period ending June 2022, an estimated 138 million tonnes of goods were lifted within Scotland by UK HGVs and transported to destinations within Scotland. About 17 million tonnes of goods from Scotland were delivered to destinations elsewhere in the UK, and around 21 million tonnes were brought into Scotland from elsewhere in the UK. In comparison, the volume of international road freight by UK HGVs travelling to and from Scotland is very small: less than 1 million tonnes in 2021. (Table 3.1a and 3.1b)

2.2 Most road freight journeys are 100 kilometres or less in length: 17% of tonnes lifted by road in Scotland in 2021 were carried a distance of no more than 25 kilometres, and 25% travelled over 50 km but no more than 100 km. The average journey distance, which is calculated by dividing the total tonne-kilometres by the total tonnes lifted, was 112 km. (Table 3.2)

Originating in Scotland

2.3 Goods moved on journeys originating in Scotland with a destination in Scotland accounted for around 11.5 billion tonne-kilometres in 2021. The overall total, including journeys with destinations elsewhere in the UK and abroad, was around 17.7 billion tonne-kms. (Table 3.3a)

Entering Scotland

2.4 In 2021, 20.7 million tonnes of goods entered Scotland on UK HGVs from the rest of the UK. 98% of these came from England. Around 69 per cent of the goods entering came from the North West (35%), Yorkshire and Humber (20%) and North East (14%) regions of England. Fewer goods leave Scotland for other UK countries (17 million tonnes) than enter from them but the proportions going to and coming from different areas are similar (Table 3.6).

2.5 In 2021, 'food products including beverages and tobacco' was the largest single category of goods lifted in Scotland, which remained in Scotland, accounting for 17.4 million tonnes out of the total of 138.4 million tonnes. (Table 3.4)


2.6 In 2021, UK-registered HGVs carried an estimated 217 thousand tonnes of goods from Scotland to countries outwith the UK, and 127 thousand tonnes from foreign countries into Scotland. Of goods leaving Scotland for abroad, carried by UK road hauliers, 58% went to France and 11% to the Germany. (Table 3.7)

2.7 In 2021, around 5% of goods leaving the UK lifted by UK HGVs originated in Scotland. (Table 3.5)


This worksheet contains one table.

note 1

Following a methodology change from paper to online data collection, it has been concluded that road goods data before and after July to September 2021 (quarter 3) should not be compared. Data is presented as a 12 month figure for the period ending June 2022. For more details on the methodology change and results from an investigation, please see here.

note 2

These figures include an element of doublecounting as figures include both the domestic and international legs of the journey.

note 3

These figures include goods lifted by Northern Irish-based HGVs, so are slightly higher than those appearing in DfT's Road Freight Statisics.

note 4

GDP figures are available at

Table 3.1a: Goods lifted by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland in tonnes, by destination. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Year Scotland (million tonnes) England (million tonnes) Wales (million tonnes) Northern Ireland (million tonnes) Total UK outwith Scotland (million tonnes) Outwith UK (million tonnes) [note1] Total (million tonnes)
Quarter 3 2021 to Quarter 2 2022 [note1] 138.4 16.5 [sample too small] 0.5 17.1 0.3 155.7
Table 3.1b: Goods lifted by UK HGVs on journeys with destinations in Scotland in tonnes, by origin. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Year Scotland (million tonnes) England (million tonnes) Wales (million tonnes) Northern Ireland (million tonnes) Total UK outwith Scotland (million tonnes) Outwith UK (million tonnes) [note1] Total (million tonnes)
Quarter 3 2021 to Quarter 2 2022 [note1] 138.4 20.2 [sample too small] 0.3 20.7 0.2 159.2
Table 3.2: Goods lifted by UK HGVs in Scotland, with destinations within the UK, by length of haul, for the 12 month period ending June 2022 [note 1]. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Length of haul (kilometres) Tonnes (millions) Tonnes (percentages) Tonne-kilometres (millions) Tonne-kilometres (percentages)
0 to 25 26 17 365 2
26 to 50 35.3 23 1,309 8
51 to 100 38.8 25 2,712 16
101 to 150 19.6 13 2,424 14
151 to 200 9.7 6 1,699 10
201 to 300 13 8 3,266 19
301 to 400 7.1 5 2,399 14
401 to 500 3.1 2 1,421 8
over 500 2.9 2 1,781 10
All 155.5 100 17,376 100
Table 3a: Goods lifted by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland in tonne-kilometres, by destination. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Year Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) England (million tonne-kilometres) Wales (million tonne-kilometres) Northern Ireland (million tonne-kilometres) Total UK outwith Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) Outwith UK (million tonne-kilometres) [note1] Total (million tonne-kilometres) Total (index; 2011 = 100) Scottish GDP (Gross Value Added for all industries) (index, 2011 = 100) Road freight intensity (index, 2011 = 100) Scottish GDP (Gross Value Added for all industries) (index, 2018 = 100)
Quarter 3 2021 to Quarter 2 2022 [note1] 11,522 5,635 [sample too small] 169 5,854 307 17,683 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
Table 3b: Goods lifted by UK HGVs on journeys with destinations in Scotland in tonne-kilometres, by origin. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Year Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) England (million tonne-kilometres) Wales (million tonne-kilometres) Northern Ireland (million tonne-kilometres) Total UK outwith Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) Outwith UK (million tonne-kilometres) [note1] Total (million tonne-kilometres)
Quarter 3 2021 to Quarter 2 2022 [note1] 11,522 7,329 [sample too small] 97 7,509 150 19,181
Table 3.3c: Road freight intensity index of the Scottish Economy. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Year Road freight moved by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) Road freight moved by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland (index; 2011 = 100) Road freight moved by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland (index; 2018 = 100) Scottish GDP (Gross Value Added for all industries) (index, 2018 = 100) [note4] Scottish GDP (Gross Value Added for all industries) (index, 2011 = 100) [note4] Road freight intensity (index, 2011 = 100) Road freight intensity (index, 2018 = 100)
Quarter 3 2021 to Quarter 2 2022 [note1] 17,683 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
Table 3.3d: Road freight intensity index of the Scottish Economy. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Year Road freight moved by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) Road freight moved by UK HGVs on journeys originating in Scotland (index; 2011 = 100) Scottish GDP (Gross Value Added for all industries) (index, 2011 = 100) [note4] Road freight intensity (index, 2011 = 100)
Quarter 3 2021 to Quarter 2 2022 [note1] 17,683 [not available] [not available] [not available]
Table 3.4: Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys within the UK with a Scottish origin or destination, by commodity, for the 12 month period ending June 2022 [note 1]. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Commodity Goods remaining in Scotland (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Goods entering Scotland from rest of the UK (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Goods leaving Scotland for rest of UK (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Goods remaining in Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3] Goods entering Scotland from rest of the UK (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3] Goods leaving Scotland for rest of UK (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3]
Products of agriculture, forestry, raw materials (subtotal) 34,594 1,510 2,979 2,574 557 952
Agricultural products 8,735 872 2,344 1,086 326 737
Coal and lignite [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Metal ore and other mining and quarrying 25,798 [sample too small] [sample too small] 1,482 [sample too small] [sample too small]
Food products, including beverages and tobacco (subtotal) 17,355 5,978 3,379 2,076 2,144 1,157
Textile, leather and wood products (subtotal) 8,251 1,326 1,872 769 623 713
Textiles and textile products; leather and leather products [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Wood products 8,124 1,196 1,746 756 581 676
Metal, mineral and chemical products (subtotal) 20,019 2,894 1,608 1,735 982 582
Coke and refined petroleum products 5,856 [sample too small] [sample too small] 795 [sample too small] [sample too small]
Chemical products 3,382 1,150 [sample too small] 284 330 [sample too small]
Glass, cement and other non-metallic mineral products 9,775 1,166 [sample too small] 568 432 [sample too small]
Metal products 1,006 [sample too small] [sample too small] 88 [sample too small] [sample too small]
Machinery and equipment, consumer durables (subtotal) 2,351 1,152 644 184 424 222
Machinery and equipment 1,142 332 [sample too small] 98 132 [sample too small]
Transport equipment 654 597 414 47 223 129
Furniture 555 [sample too small] [sample too small] 38 [sample too small] [sample too small]
Other products (subtotal) 55,795 7,830 6,613 4,184 2,779 2,229
Waste related products 23,572 [sample too small] 925 1,111 [sample too small] 276
Mail, parcels 664 509 [sample too small] 73 207 [sample too small]
Empty containers, pallets and other packaging 5,837 1,341 1,616 699 513 453
Household and office removals 3,106 [sample too small] [sample too small] 214 [sample too small] [sample too small]
Grouped goods 21,679 4,973 3,534 1,993 1,707 1,303
Unidentifiable goods 938 [sample too small] [sample too small] 94 [sample too small] [sample too small]
Other goods [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
Total 138,364 20,689 17,094 11,522 7,509 5,854
Table 3.5: Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys entering or leaving the UK by commodity, for the 12 month period ending June 2022 [note1]. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Commodity Total goods entering UK (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Of which entering Scotland (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Total goods leaving UK (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Of which leaving Scotland (thousand tonnes) [note 3] Total goods entering UK (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3] Of which entering Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3] Total goods leaving UK (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3] Of which leaving Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) [note 3]
Products of agriculture, forestry, raw materials (subtotal) 777 [sample too small] 897 128 231 [sample too small] 369 135
Agricultural products 497 [sample too small] 407 118 167 [sample too small] 248 131
Coal and lignite [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Metal ore and other mining and quarrying 280 [sample too small] 416 [sample too small] 64 [sample too small] 94 [sample too small]
Food products, including beverages and tobacco (subtotal) 1,225 75 1,041 97 609 77 431 109
Textile, leather and wood products (subtotal) 279 [sample too small] 212 [sample too small] 99 [sample too small] 66 [sample too small]
Textiles and textile products; leather and leather products 60 [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] 17 [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Wood products 219 [sample too small] 195 [sample too small] 83 [sample too small] 57 [sample too small]
Metal, mineral and chemical products (subtotal) 857 [sample too small] 1,236 29 335 [sample too small] 428 24
Coke and refined petroleum products 28 [sample too small] 196 [sample too small] 10 [sample too small] 31 [sample too small]
Chemical products 329 [sample too small] 273 28 157 [sample too small] 194 23
Glass, cement and other non-metallic mineral products 391 [sample too small] 557 [sample too small] 134 [sample too small] 138 [sample too small]
Metal products 108 [sample too small] 211 [sample too small] 35 [sample too small] 66 [sample too small]
Machinery and equipment, consumer durables (subtotal) 414 [sample too small] 451 [sample too small] 277 [sample too small] 293 [sample too small]
Machinery and equipment 195 [sample too small] 259 [sample too small] 113 [sample too small] 158 [sample too small]
Transport equipment 173 [sample too small] 139 [sample too small] 138 [sample too small] 96 [sample too small]
Furniture 46 [sample too small] 53 [sample too small] 26 [sample too small] 39 [sample too small]
Other products (subtotal) 2,046 26 2,474 21 744 28 853 27
Waste related products [sample too small] [sample too small] 177 [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] 39 [sample too small]
Mail, parcels 434 [sample too small] 443 [sample too small] 133 [sample too small] 146 [sample too small]
Empty containers, pallets and other packaging 342 [sample too small] 491 [sample too small] 103 [sample too small] 136 [sample too small]
Household and office removals 70 [sample too small] 105 [sample too small] 28 [sample too small] 48 [sample too small]
Grouped goods 986 [sample too small] 1,184 [sample too small] 425 [sample too small] 460 [sample too small]
Unidentifiable goods 33 [sample too small] 67 [sample too small] 22 [sample too small] 23 [sample too small]
Other goods [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Total 5,598 161 6,312 290 2,294 150 2,440 307
Table 3.6: Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, entering or leaving Scotland, to or from rest of UK, by origins and destinations of journeys, for the 12 month period ending June 2022 [note1]. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Origin or destination of journey Goods entering Scotland (thousand tonnes) Goods leaving Scotland (thousand tonnes) Goods entering Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) Goods leaving Scotland (million tonne-kilometres)
England 20,237 16,470 7,329 5,635
North East 2,884 3,118 717 713
North West 7,322 6,578 2,007 1,749
Yorkshire & the Humber 4,134 2,754 1,520 1,078
East Midlands 1,954 1,311 938 629
West Midlands 2,379 1,523 1,093 685
East 534 [sample too small] 348 [sample too small]
London [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
South East 710 653 495 451
South West [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Wales [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Northern Ireland 278 543 97 169
Total elsewhere in UK 20,689 17,094 7,509 5,854
Table 3.7: Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, entering or leaving Scotland, to or from outwith the UK, by origins and destinations of journeys, 2021. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Origin or destination of journey Goods entering Scotland (thousand tonnes) Goods leaving Scotland (thousand tonnes) Goods entering Scotland (million tonne-kilometres) Goods leaving Scotland (million tonne-kilometres)
Austria [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Belgium & Luxembourg [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Bulgaria [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Croatia [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Cyprus [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Czech Republic [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Denmark [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Estonia [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Finland [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
France 18 126 21,308 121,915
Germany [sample too small] 24 [sample too small] 24,626
Greece [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Hungary [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Ireland [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Italy [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Latvia [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Lithuania [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Malta [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Netherlands [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Poland [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Portugal [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Romania [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Slovakia [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Slovenia [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Spain [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Sweden [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Total EU countries 120 206 106,868 211,428
Other countries [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small]
Total outwith UK 127 217 116,853 225,915
Table 3.8: Freight lifted by UK HGVs on journeys with UK origins and destinations which either started or ended in Scotland, in the 12 month period ending June 2022 [note1]. This worksheet contains one table. Some cells refer to notes which can be found in the notes worksheet. Source: Department for Transport (DfT)
Origin or destination of journey ZetTrans (destination) HITRANS (destination) NESTRANS (destination) TACTRAN (destination) SESTRAN (destination) SPT (destination) Swestrans (destination) Scotland (destination) Elsewhere in the UK (destination) Total (destination)
ZetTrans (origin) [sample too small] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [sample too small] [not available] [sample too small]
HITRANS (origin) [sample too small] 14,237 711 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] 14,948 3,786 18,734
NESTRANS (origin) [sample too small] 381 5,754 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] 6,135 2,350 8,485
TACTRAN (origin) [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
SESTRAN (origin) [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
SPT (origin) [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
Swestrans (origin) [sample too small] [sample too small] [sample too small] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available]
Scotland (origin) [sample too small] 14,618 6,465 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] 21,679 6,136 27,815
Elsewhere in the UK (origin) [sample too small] 4,495 4,258 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] 8,753 1,669,056 1,677,809
Total (origin) [sample too small] 19,113 10,723 [not available] [not available] [not available] [not available] 30,432 1,675,192 1,705,624

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