Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table S1 Summary of Transport in Scotland
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Vehicles Licensed thousands
Private and Light Goods1 1,927 1,997 2,058 2,104 2,158 2,231 2,259 2,313 2,347 2,362 2,364
All Vehicles1 2,188 2,262 2,330 2,383 2,448 2,531 2,564 2,627 2,665 2,684 2,685
New Registrations 220 241 259 262 263 251 243 251 215 216 209
Local Bus Services2 millions
Passenger Journeys (boardings)3 458 466 471 478 461 468 482 498 493 467 438
Vehicle Kilometres3 369 368 374 369 369 382 387 390 365 379 354
Passenger Revenue £ million
at latest year's prices3 598 581 592 551 517 552 605 633 628 632 ..
Freight Lifted million tonnes
Road4,9 158.5 150.8 154.4 153.4 173.1 165.6 170.0 176.8 157.0 131.9 131.9
Rail2 8.25 9.57 9.12 8.32 11.25 14.32 12.96 11.35 10.36 9.68 ..
Coastwise traffic 24.7 20.6 19.2 19.5 20.5 25.5 20.6 22.8 23.3 19.8 ..
One Port traffic 1.54 1.90 1.81 1.54 1.33 1.76 1.48 1.83 1.75 3.59 ..
Inland waterway traffic 12.24 11.41 10.01 10.06 9.97 10.19 10.16 10.50 12.19 10.10 ..
Pipelines5 28.1 28.1 28.0 27.7 27.6 27.6 27.8 27.5 27.6 27.6 27.6
Public Road Lengths kilometres
Trunk (A and M) 3,488 3,488 3,488 3,432 3,432 3,432 3,405 3,405 3,405 3,405 3,405
Other Major (A and M) 7,414 7,407 7,417 7,418 7,418 7,433 7,424 7,381 7,421 7,421 7,414
Minor Roads 42,984 43,159 43,687 43,659 43,693 43,911 44,029 44,303 44,420 44,594 44,696
All Roads 53,886 54,054 54,592 54,509 54,543 54,776 54,858 55,089 55,246 55,420 55,515
Road Traffic million vehicle-kilometres
Motorways 5,405 5,567 5,730 5,856 6,094 6,151 6,433 6,577 6,683 6,633 6,503
A roads 20,531 20,775 21,533 21,826 22,114 21,904 22,465 22,408 22,127 22,327 21,992
All roads (incl. B, C, uncl.) 39,561 40,065 41,535 42,038 42,705 42,718 44,119 44,666 44,470 44,219 43,488
Reported Road Accident Casualties
Killed 326 348 304 336 308 286 314 281 270 216 208
Killed and Serious 3,894 3,758 3,533 3,293 3,074 2,952 2,949 2,666 2,844 2,502 2,172
All (Killed, Serious, Slight) 20,517 19,911 19,275 18,756 18,502 17,885 17,269 16,238 15,590 15,043 13,334
Passenger Rail2,6 millions
ScotRail passenger journeys6 63.16 60.75 57.38 57.45 64.02 69.43 71.59 74.47 76.43 76.93 78.29
ORR data:
Rail journeys in/from Scotland7 64.8 64.6 61.4 66.1 72.9 78.1 79.5 87.7 84.5 85.2 ..
Passenger receipts (£2009 mill) 230.0 237.1 232.6 244.9 259.4 260.2 268.0 305.1 306.3 336.5 ..
Air Transport thousands
Terminal Passengers 16,787 18,081 19,783 21,084 22,555 23,795 24,437 25,132 24,348 22,496 20,907
Transport Movements 333.5 360.6 362.6 367.3 385.6 408.8 420.6 428.2 417.1 382.7 354.4
thousand tonnes
Freight 79.1 77.1 77.0 80.8 81.0 79.4 83.3 66.1 50.2 50.9 47.5
Ferries (selected services 8) thousands
Passengers 5,294 5,304 5,365 5,721 5,921 5,971 6,020 6,012 5,699 5,935 5,872
Vehicles 1,171 1,211 1,241 1,260 1,338 1,365 1,372 1,416 1,377 1,445 1,408

1 DfT has revised the figures for the light goods and goods body types back to 2001. DfT does not have the underlying data to revise earlier years' figures.
2 Financial years
3 The DfT have revised figures from 2004/05 onwards as a result of methodological improvements. Figures prior to this period are not directly comparable. See Chapter 2 for more detail. Figures from 2006 include Government support for buses which is not available for the two previous years.
4 Freight lifted in Scotland by UK-registered hauliers, regardless of whether the destination is in Scotland, elsewhere in the UK or outwith the UK. The figures for 2004 onwards are not compatible with those for earlier years due to changes in methodology and processing system for the survey.
5 The estimated amounts of crude oil and products carried by pipelines over 50km in length. 2010 figure has been estimated.
6 ScotRail introduced a new methodology which better estimates Strathclyde Zonecard journeys from 2009/10. Figures from 2003/04 onwards present the impact of this on previously reported data to provide a more meaningful year on year comparison. Note that this has no impact on actual journeys undertaken. Further detail on this can be found from paragraphs 4.3 onwards.
7 The Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) produce total passenger figures. These are not adjusted to reflect ScotRail's revised methdology and are therefore not comparable with ScotRail figures.
8 Those services for which figures are (at least) available back to 1975: Caledonian MacBrayne, P&O Scottish Ferries / NorthLink Orkney & Shetland, and Orkney Ferries.
9 Domestic freight estimates for 2006 to 2009 were revised on 27 October 2011