Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 8.1 Summary of air transport
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Passengers thousand
Terminal 16,787 18,081 19,783 21,084 22,555 23,795 24,437 25,132 24,348 22,496 20,907
Transit 117 131 107 71 102 91 86 109 85 43 50
Total 16,904 18,212 19,890 21,155 22,657 23,886 24,523 25,242 24,433 22,539 20,957
Terminal passengers1
by airport
Aberdeen 2,454 2,525 2,549 2,508 2,634 2,852 3,163 3,411 3,290 2,984 2,763
Barra 8 9 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 10 10
Benbecula 34 34 32 32 30 31 33 35 34 33 30
Campbeltown 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9
Dundee 49 49 45 52 51 49 51 65 61 72 70
Edinburgh 5,494 6,038 6,911 7,476 7,992 8,449 8,607 9,037 8,992 9,043 8,594
Glasgow 6,920 7,243 7,769 8,115 8,557 8,775 8,820 8,726 8,135 7,213 6,522
Glasgow Prestwick 905 1,232 1,486 1,854 2,159 2,405 2,395 2,421 2,414 1,817 1,660
Inverness 337 343 363 435 520 589 671 697 671 583 528
Islay 20 20 21 21 21 22 26 28 29 26 25
Kirkwall 85 87 98 103 102 104 117 132 138 138 129
Lerwick (Tingwall) 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 5
Scatsta 240 247 246 230 229 239 255 253 243 270 279
Stornoway 88 88 93 106 111 115 120 126 131 122 112
Sumburgh 119 133 127 110 108 121 128 147 154 139 139
Tiree 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8
Unst 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wick 19 18 18 17 16 16 20 21 23 21 22
Terminal passengers
by airport group2
BAA airports 14,868 15,806 17,229 18,100 19,183 20,076 20,590 21,174 20,418 19,240 17,879
HIAL airports 721 744 774 846 930 1,023 1,141 1,214 1,208 1,089 1,012
other airports 1,198 1,530 1,780 2,138 2,441 2,697 2,706 2,744 2,723 2,185 2,036
HIAL 'lifeline' airports3 384 401 411 411 410 434 470 516 537 506 484
Freight 79,061 77,057 77,012 80,788 80,956 79,417 83,260 66,103 50,228 50,886 47,532
Aircraft movements4
Air transport thousand
Domestic5 225 219 222 229 241 255 256 254 247 225 206
International5,6 108 114 114 113 119 128 138 144 139 129 124
Air taxi5 .. 27 26 26 26 26 26 30 31 28 24
Other movements7 141 132 111 135 129 135 133 131 126 108 102
Total 474 492 473 503 514 544 554 560 543 490 457

Source: Civil Aviation Authority - Not National Statistics
1. Statistics are not collected for some of the smaller airports on Orkney and Shetland, which are therefore not included in any overall totals.
2. In cases where the ownership of an airport has changed during the period covered by the table, it is counted on the basis of its ownership in the latest year. Tables 8.14 and 8.15 indicate which airports were HIAL airports and BAA airports in the latest year
3. Barra, Benbecula, Campbeltown, Islay, Kirkwall, Stornoway, Sumburgh, Tiree, Wick.
4. 'Aircraft movements' excludes both Campbeltown and Barra pre-1999 (see table 8.11).
5. For 2000 and earlier years, air taxi movements were counted under domestic and International aircraft movements. From 2001, this breakdown is no longer available. They have therefore been shown separately for 2001 onwards.
6. Including UK offshore flights.
7. Other includes positioning flights, local movements, test & training, other flights by air transport operators, aero club, private, official, military and business