Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 11.15(a) Usual time taken to travel to usual place of work (in Autumn)
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Car,van,minibus,works van  22  22  22  22  23  20  23  20  22  21
Bicycle  14  14  15  15  18  15  14  16  15  16
Bus,coach.private bus  31  33  32  32  32  33  34  33  32  32
Rail (inc Underground)  58  42  55  53  52  47  46  48  46  49
Walk  11  12  12  12  12  11  12  12  12  13
Other (inc taxi)  34  33  45  33  47  42  46  25  36  40
All  22  23  23  23  24  22  24  21  23  22

Note: This table is no longer being updated. Henceforth, information about average times taken to travel to work will be given in Table 11.15 (b), which is on the basis that is used to produce such figures for DfT's "Regional Transport Statistics".

Table 11.15(b) Usual time taken to travel to usual place of work (in Autumn) 1,2
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 2010 1
Car .. ..  23  23  24  23  23  24  24  24  25
Motorcycle .. ..  *  17  16  19  *  24  *  19  *
Bicycle .. ..  14  16  15  17  21  19  18  15  20
Bus/coach .. ..  34  33  33  33  35  33  36  35  36
Rail .. ..  46  50  52  49  50  49  57  53  53
Walk .. ..  12  12  13  13  13  12  12  14  14
Other .. ..  53  39  62  61  70  64  75  94  74
All .. ..  24  24  25  24  25  25  26  26  26

* Sample size for this cell is too small for reliable estimates. Source: Oct-Dec, Office for National Statistics (ONS) Labour Force Survey.
Notes: Some of the figures shown in table 11.15 (b) differ slightly from those in 11.15 (a) due to differing methodology used to extract. Results are weighted using population estimates to ensure they are representative of the population at large.
1. Data are for males and females in employment aged 16-99.
2. Maximum recorded value of usual travel to work time = 180 minutes.