Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 11.24 Scottish residents' visits abroad by means of leaving the UK and purpose of visit, 2010
Purpose of visit
Means of leaving the UK Package
Business Visiting
Friends or
and other
Edinburgh 169 438 123 243 26 1,000
Glasgow 617 274 43 149 19 1,102
Prestwick 73 242 9 83 2 409
Aberdeen 23 34 67 37 2 164
Total Edinburgh,  Glasgow, Prestwick & Aberdeen 882 989 242 512 50 2,674
Heathrow 16 31 22 14 4 87
Gatwick 39 70 6 12 . 127
Stanstead 3 17 6 14 5 44
Manchester 82 35 5 8 1 130
Newcastle 54 59 3 2 1 119
Birmingham 4 3 6 6 1 19
Other UK Airports 23 70 30 32 6 162
Total Air 1,103 1,273 320 599 68 3,362
Channel Tunnel 12 30 30 2 2 76
English Channel Ports 58 44 10 5  - 118
English East Coast Ports 14 16 1 3 1 34
Other UK Ports 2 7 16 2 3  - 28
Total Sea 79 76 14 10 1 180
Total All Means of Leaving the UK 1,195 1,378 363 611 70 3,618