Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 1.16 People who hold a full driving licence 1, 2010
Age group   Sample size
17-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ All 17 +
percent of population number
All people: 31 59 76 81 78 72 48 68 12,361
by sex:
Men 33 66 80 86 85 84 69 76 5,450
Women 28 53 73 76 72 62 33 60 6,911
by annual net household income:
up to £ 10,000 p.a. * 47 57 56 52 58 40 48 2,167
over £ 10,000, up to £ 15,000 * 43 56 51 58 63 42 49 2,406
over £ 15,000, up to £ 20,000 * 52 70 68 68 73 50 61 1,796
over £ 20,000, up to £ 25,000 * 55 64 79 80 76 59 67 1,349
over £ 25,000, up to £ 30,000 * 65 85 86 81 79 * 78 1,035
over £ 30,000, up to £ 40,000 * 78 85 88 89 86 * 81 1,551
over £40,000 * 85 92 97 98 93 * 90 1,602
by urban / rural classification:
Large urban areas 33 52 68 76 70 64 42 61 4,323
Other urban areas 25 60 80 77 78 70 46 67 3,609
Accessible small towns * * 80 86 80 75 54 72 1,114
Remote small towns * * 80 93 76 78 47 72 726
Accessible rural areas * * 91 94 88 85 59 82 1,530
Remote rural areas * * 91 91 92 87 61 82 1,058
Sample size (age group) 406 1,304 1,816 2,175 1,927 2,162 2,571 12,361

1. Source: Scottish Household Survey. The interviewer asks whether the person holds a full driving licence (car or motorcycle). The denominator includes people for whom it was not known, or not recorded, what type of driving licence (if any) was held.
* not given, because based on fewer than 100 responses