Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 2.3 Vehicle kilometres by type of service1
Type of service 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 4 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
million vehicle kilometres
Local bus services 369 368 374 369 369 382 387 390 365 379 354
Other (non-local) services 161 145 143 166 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
All services 530 513 516 535 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Commercial local bus services2 314 306 311 302 310 317 313 316 294 300 285
Subsidised local bus services3 56 62 63 67 59 65 74 74 71 79 69

1. The revisions made by DfT in September 2005 increased the number of passengers for 1999-00 onwards by about 2% in each year. In September 2006, DfT revised the bus passenger numbers for each year from 1985-86 in order to adjust for the under-recording by some operators of the numbers of passengers not pay cash (e.g. season tickets, concessionary fare passes, multi-trip tickets etc). These revisions increased the passenger numbers by between 2.4% and 4.4% per year, (as the proportion of cash fares has been declining, the adjustments to the more recent figures tended to be greater).
2. Services run without direct financial support, but which are still eligible for Government subsidy in the form of the Bus Service Operators Grant and concessionary fare reimbursement.
3. Services which are run under contract, with some direct subsidy from the local transport authority, because they are considered socially necessary.
4. Break in the local bus series due to changes in the estimation methodology from 2004/05

Figure 2.3 Passenger receipts at constant 2009-10 prices

£ Million

Figure 2.3 Passenger receipts at constant 2009-10 prices

Note: Breaks in series are due to changes in definitions and methodology and data is not comparable across breaks.
For more detail see table 2.5

Figure 2.4 Local bus fare indices

Figure 2.4 Local bus fare indices