Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 3.5 Goods lifted or moved by UK HGVs, for journeys within the UK with a Scottish origin or destination, by commodity, 2010
in Scotland
from rest
of UK
for rest
of UK
thousand tonnes
Agricultural products and live animals 13,065 1,754 2,564
Foodstuffs and animal fodder 21,789 659 1,052
Solid mineral fuels 3,081 * *
Petroleum products 10,238 6,034 3,344
Ores and mineral waste 487 249 *
Metal products 879 721 606
Minerals and building materials 34,984 * *
Fertilisers 756 2,356 988
Chemicals 3,636 4,874 3,422
Machinery, transport equipment 4,984 * *
Leather and textiles 1,024 * 1,425
Miscellaneous 21,858 * 823
Total all commodities 116,781 17,926 14,762
million tonne kms
Agricultural products and live animals 1,097 549 1,044
Foodstuffs and animal fodder 1,794 220 354
Solid mineral fuels 191 * *
Petroleum products 723 2,063 1,178
Ores and mineral waste 23 79 *
Metal products 82 282 207
Minerals and building materials 1,259 * *
Fertilisers 46 744 242
Chemicals 289 1,732 1,234
Machinery, transport equipment 278 * *
Leather and textiles 94 * 361
Miscellaneous 1,298 * 245
Total all commodities 7,173 6,132 5,077

* = Sample too small for a reliable estimate