Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 4.4 (a) Trunk road constructed/re-surfaced etc, by unit, 2009-10
Unit New road
for traffic
Reconstructed Strengthened Surface
Equivalent road lane length lane-kilometres (estimated)
NW - 16 80 24 120
NE - 2 47 3 52
SW - 3 31 2 36
SE - 30 55 1 86
Total - 51 213 30 294
Percentages of total percentages
NW - 31 38 80 41
NE - 4 22 10 18
SW - 6 15 7 12
SE - 59 26 3 29
Total - 100 100 100 100

Source: Transport Scotland - Not National Statistics

Table 4.4 (b) Trunk road constructed/re-surfaced etc, by unit, 2010-11 (provisional)
Unit New road
for traffic
Reconstructed Strengthened Surface
Equivalent road lane length lane-kilometres (estimated)
NW - - 69 2 71
NE - 15 45 2 62
SW 4 1 24 1 30
SE 48 8 55 26 137
Total 52 24 193 31 300
Percentages of total percentages
NW - - 36 6 24
NE - 63 23 6 21
SW 8 4 12 3 10
SE 92 33 28 84 46
Total 100 100 100 100 100

Source: Transport Scotland - Not National Statistics