Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 5.7(a) Average daily traffic flows, peak hourly flows and percentages of HGVs for selected key points: 20101,2
Location Site No.
Fig 6.1
Daily Flow
HGV (Year)
Peak Hourly Flows
7 Day 5 Day 7 Day 5 Day AM PM
Year August Year August 7 Day 5 Day 7 Day 5 Day
A74(M) J18 to J19 1 31,047 37,338 32,945 38,215 2,266 2,309 2,605 2,646
M8 Bishopton 2 24,563 25,913 26,740 27,858 13% 15% 2,139 2,443 2,243 2,428
M8 Harthill 3 55,911 58,839 62,105 64,476 14% 16% 4,706 5,339 4,592 5,064
M9 Linlithgow 4 28,706 30,948 32,136 34,127 10% 8% 2,718 3,174 2,676 3,045
M73 Gartcosh 5 35,666 39,030 39,910 42,493 14% 16% 2,978 3,397 3,174 3,525
M80 Bankhead 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
M90 Kelty 7 32,304 37,124 33,457 37,911 10% 12% 2,503 2,511 2,834 2,901
A1 Grantshouse 8 8,616 10,648 8,855 10,679 15% 18% 685 666 738 732
A7 Langholm 9 3,434 3,770 3,689 3,997 22% 25% 307 323 319 337
A9 Berridale 10 1,938 2,645 2,024 2,707 12% 14% 174 179 175 179
A9 Blackford 11 23,671 27,361 24,748 27,964 1,781 1,782 2,020 2,043
A9 Dornoch 12 5,721 7,214 6,033 7,460 10% 12% 468 485 526 544
A9 Tomatin 13 8,850 11,616 9,110 11,708 11% 13% 697 695 785 782
A68 Jedburgh 14 5,530 6,606 5,777 6,756 5% 6% 437 433 494 506
A68 Pathhead 15 8,354 10,324 8,823 10,736 8% 9% 688 705 763 792
A75 Carsluith 16 4,724 5,958 4,994 6,135 27% 30% 388 392 412 422
A75 Southeast of A751 17 6,792 7,289 7,334 7,779 505 540 603 632
A76 Mennock 18 3,054 3,406 3,281 3,611 246 254 280 297
A77 Glen App 19 3,520 4,144 3,602 4,105 14% 17% 278 276 327 323
A77 Kilmarnock 20 26,763 30,544 28,043 31,307 7% 8% 2,143 2,281 2,354 2,447
A78 Loans 21 15,074 16,337 16,381 17,533 1,369 1,558 1,443 1,558
A82 Ballachulish 22 4,625 6,845 4,433 6,408 14% 16% 388 362 443 414
A82 Spean Bridge 23 3,351 5,590 3,404 5,555 302 297 322 319
A83 Ardrishaig 24 ..
A85 Riverside Dundee 25 16,129 15,368 17,332 15,989 4% 4% 1,450 1,610 1,538 1,641
A87 Broadford 26 3,227 4,951 3,413 5,109 286 296 306 319
A87 Kyle of Lochalsh 27 3,367 5,167 3,547 5,308 6% 7% 304 311 326 339
A90 Stonehaven 28 26,907 29,010 29,126 31,283 2,429 2,727 2,312 2,490
A90 Bridge of Don 29 17,860 .. 18,994 .. 14% 16% 1,500 1,642 1,605 1,700
A96 Forres 30 11,416 12,946 12,155 13,639 953 1,013 1,046 1,090
A702 Fulford 31 10,334 12,288 11,008 12,874 902 973 985 1,019
A737 Lochside 32 21,528 23,447 22,745 24,551 5% 6% 1,752 1,907 1,938 2,043
A835 Aultguish 33 1,246 2,131 1,307 2,185 10% 12% 125 131 132 134
A977 Kincardine 34 4,370 4,703 4,660 4,961 8% 10% 339 357 410 430
A720 Dreghorn 35 77,735 82,444 84,269 88,606 12% 13% 6,455 7,017 6,910 7,376
A80 Cumbernauld 36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
M74 J9 37 34,060 37,748 36,237 39,206 2,389 2,411 2,604 2,628

Source: Transport Scotland - Not National Statistics
1. 7 day flows were calculated from Monday to Sunday inclusive, '5 day flows' were calculated from Monday to Friday inclusive
2. Missing data for some sites is due to equipment failure. Year averages may be based only on data for part of the year, in cases where equipment was not working in some months.

Table 5.7(b) Average daily traffic flows for selected key points1,2
Average Daily Flows
Location Site No. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
A74(M) J18 to J19 1 30,998 31,304 31,462 31,831 31,793 32,156 33,066 31,870 31,910 31,047
M8 Bishopton 2 23,212 22,936 22,505 25,091 24,684 24,845 27,800 25,357 24,838 24,563
M8 Harthill 3 .. .. 51,105 51,557 52,566 51,567 51,628 54,463 55,589 55,911
M9 Linlithgow 4 .. 38,896 39,595 39,238 41,064 41,117 .. 30,324 26,070 28,706
M73 Gartcosh 5 34,112 34,131 36,044 36,417 30,347 39,480 41,711 39,042 38,597 35,666
M80 Bankhead 6 16,788 16,102 15,656 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
M90 Kelty 7 28,536 29,141 29,749 29,585 30,703 26,511 .. 30,787 32,832 32,304
A1 Grantshouse 8 6,754 7,038 7,756 7,994 8,255 8,554 8,989 8,659 8,845 8,616
A7 Langholm 9 3,399 3,478 3,542 3,577 3,576 3,604 3,573 3,456 3,336 3,434
A9 Berridale 10 1,609 1,665 1,838 2,044 1,950 1,967 2,193 1,947 2,089 1,938
A9 Blackford 11 22,680 24,945 25,356 27,494 25,356 25,870 26,888 25,901 24,690 23,671
A9 Dornoch 12 4,528 4,922 5,113 5,648 5,461 5,499 5,766 5,633 5,743 5,721
A9 Tomatin 13 7,600 7,868 7,917 7,287 7,840 8,717 9,110 9,043 8,987 8,850
A68 Jedburgh 14 .. 7,054 6,977 7,202 6,900 6,929 7,139 5,845 5,860 5,530
A68 Pathhead 15 .. 9,844 10,864 11,772 11,732 10,932 11,927 8,888 8,919 8,354
A75 Carsluith 16 4,007 4,434 4,560 4,745 4,820 4,827 4,924 4,771 4,849 4,724
A75 Southeast of A751 17 5,987 5,956 6,212 6,618 6,256 6,620 6,904 6,830 6,770 6,792
A76 Mennock 18 2,886 2,861 3,074 3,255 3,136 3,108 3,166 3,324 3,147 3,054
A77 Glen App 19 2,937 3,029 2,968 3,017 3,170 3,076 3,579 3,027 2,805 3,520
A77 Kilmarnock 20 23,961 24,566 24,904 24,656 24,690 27,470 27,984 27,520 27,069 26,763
A78 Loans 21 14,969 14,983 15,473 16,532 16,566 15,682 16,093 15,767 15,295 15,074
A82 Ballachulish 22 4,334 4,449 4,800 6,093 4,879 4,581 4,696 4,609 4,772 4,625
A82 Spean Bridge 23 3,615 3,299 3,456 3,564 3,493 3,436 3,524 3,185 3,629 3,351
A83 Ardrishaig 24 2,288 2,761 2,772 2,833 2,805 2,779 2,792 .. .. ..
A85 Riverside Dundee 25 16,297 17,268 18,052 19,335 18,904 18,921 18,854 18,299 17,581 16,129
A87 Broadford 26 1,880 2,170 2,311 2,525 3,088 3,066 1,610 2,188 3,417 3,227
A87 Kyle of Lochalsh 27 3,751 3,287 3,100 4,106 3,383 3,396 3,678 3,437 3,577 3,367
A90 Stonehaven 28 22,969 24,065 24,088 24,904 24,743 24,921 26,045 26,427 26,778 26,907
A90 Bridge of Don 29 .. 17,169 17,246 16,964 16,750 17,291 17,686 17,339 17,308 17,860
A96 Forres 30 9,910 10,370 10,541 11,342 11,047 11,276 11,317 11,277 11,309 11,416
A702 Fulford 31 8,404 10,041 9,781 10,495 9,901 10,479 10,939 11,875 11,295 10,334
A737 Lochside 32 20,827 21,557 22,276 23,189 22,638 20,469 21,439 21,764 21,755 21,528
A835 Aultguish 33 1,351 1,391 1,515 1,689 1,610 1,596 1,623 1,545 1,628 1,246
A977 Kincardine 34 15,116 14,747 14,973 15,163 15,184 15,870 15,264 13,723 4,583 4,370
A720 Dreghorn 35 67,062 67,940 .. 76,551 76,308 78,386 80,448 78,179 79,936 77,735
A80 Cumbernauld 36 .. .. .. 60,897 61,936 64,599 65,409 64,885 63,830 ..
M74 J9 37 .. .. .. 33,402 33,977 33,490 35,065 33,716 28,620 34,060

Source: Transport Scotland - Not National Statistics
1. Flows were calculated from Monday to Sunday inclusive.
2. Missing data for some sites is due to equipment failure. Year averages may be based only on data for part of the year, in cases where equipment was not working in some months.