Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Table 5.15   UK Carbon Dioxide emissions: grams per passenger-kilometre, 20101
grams of CO2 per pass-km
Petrol cars 1322
Diesel cars 1232
All Cars (average) 1292
Petrol motorbike 119
Bus 135
Coach 31
National rail 57
Light rail and tram 77
Ferry 116
Domestic flights3 1724
Short haul international3 974
Long haul international3 1134

Source: DEFRA - Not National Statistics
1. Sources: Figures are taken from the 2009 Guidelines to Defra/DECC's Conversion Factors to Company Reporting, 2009, Defra/DECC. All figures are estimated using data for GB/UK as a whole so do not specifically relate to Scotland.
2. All Car figures assume an average car occupancy rate of 1.6 passengers (Carbon Pathways Analysis, 2008, Department for Transport)
3. The long haul estimate is based on a flight length from the Guidelines of of 6482 km, short haul 1108km and domestic 463km.
4.  In keeping with evidence from the IPCC, a 9% upflift factor has been applied to allow for sub-optimal routing and stacking at airports during periods of heavy congestion