Scottish Transport Statistics No 30: 2011 Edition

Figure 7.1 Passenger traffic originating in Scotland, and ScotRail passenger

Figure 7.1 Passenger traffic originating in Scotland, and ScotRail passenger

Note: Figures presented here do not use ScotRail's new methodology for estimating zonecard trips. See Table S1 for these.

Figure 7.2 Freight traffic lifted in Scotland

Figure 7.2 Freight traffic lifted in Scotland

Table 7.1 ScotRail passenger services
2000-01 2001-022 2002-032 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Passenger journeys1 63.16 60.75 57.38 57.45 64.02 69.43 71.59 74.47 76.43 76.93 78.29
Passenger kilometres 1,939 1,969 1,944 2,020 2,162 2,283 2,338 2,426 2,516 2,533 2,642
Scheduled train kilometres3 36.40 37.76 37.12 37.11 36.90 37.64 38.55 38.70 39.17 40.70 41.87
Route kilometres operated 3,016 3,016 3,025 3,025 3,025 3,032 3,032 3,032 3,042 3,043 3,066

Source: ORR - Not National Statistics
1. ScotRail introduced a new methodology which better estimates Strathclyde Zonecard journeys from 2009/10. Figures from 2003/04 onwards present the impact of this on previously reported data to provide a more meaningful year on year comparison.Note that this has no impact on actual journeys undertaken. Passenger kms have also been adjusted to reflect this.
2. Figures affected by industrial action.
3. Scheduled train kilometres are calculated by the Office of Rail Regulation using the published winter and summer timetables. They do not take account of subsequent changes (e.g. cancellations and emergency timetables etc).