Scottish Government / Transport Scotland publications

Scottish Government / Transport Scotland publications

Transport and Travel in Scotland Annual. A new publication in 2011 which combines Main Transport Trends and Household Transport publications. Summarises a broad range of transport statistics including road vehicles, traffic, casualties, bus and rail passengers, road and rail freight, air and water transport and personal travel as well as providing some comparisons with GB figures. Further breakdowns of Scottish Household Survey transport data including households' access to cars and bikes, frequency of driving, modes of travel to work and school, use and opinions of public transport and access to services are also presented.

Latest edition: provides figures up to 2012, published August 2013 Web only

SHS Transport: Local Area Analysis Biennial. Provides SHS information for Local Authorities and Regional Transport Partnership areas.

Latest edition: provides figures for 2012, published September 2013 Web tables only

Scottish Household Survey Travel Diary results Provides details of journeys made collected via the Travel Diary. Includes purposes for travel, distances, the times of day at which trips start, duration of journeys, days of the week and car occupancy levels.

Latest release (webtables): 2012 figures, trends since 2002; published November 2013. Web only

Latest detailed biennial data: figures to 2009/10, trends since 1999; published Nov 2011. Web only

National Travel Survey Scottish Results Biennial. These web-tables provides trends on the average number of journeys and average distance travelled per person per year, including average journey length, main mode of travel, journey purpose.

Latest edition: figures up to 2009/2010; published in March 2012 Web only

Bus and Coach Statistics Annual. Presents Department for Transport statistics on bus and coach operators, and some related Scottish Household Survey (SHS) results. Includes: vehicle kms, patronage levels, fare indices; passenger receipts; public transport support and concessionary fare reimbursement; adults' frequency of use of local bus services; views on aspects of bus services; travel to work by bus; reasons for not using buses; safety on buses; concessionary travel passes.

Latest release (webtables): figures up to 2010-11; published February 2012 Web only

Key Reported Road Casualty Statistics Annual. Provisional figures on accidents, casualties by severity, casualties by type of road, casualties by mode of transport, and child casualties, including trends in recent years and progress towards the casualty reduction targets for the year 2020. Also figures by Police Force and local authority.

Latest edition: provides figures up to 2012; published in June 2013 Web only

Reported Road Casualties Scotland Annual. More detailed tables on accidents, motorists and casualties, and country comparisons. Also includes 2020 casualty reduction targets, estimates of undercounting of road casualties, Contributory Factor data and compares the reported numbers of casualties with information from other sources. Detailed tables on Accidents, Accident costs, Vehicles involved, Drivers and riders, Drivers breath tested, Drink-drive accidents and casualties, and Casualties.

Latest edition: provides figures up to 2012, published in October 2013

Published Annually ISBN 978-1-908181-97-8

Transport Statistics publications produced by other administrations

The Department for Transport (DfT) produces many statistical publications, most of which provide detailed breakdowns of the figures for GB/UK as a whole. However, some contain statistics for Scotland.

DfT's annual Regional Transport Statistics bulletin gives figures on many topics for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and each of the regions of England. It should be the "first port of call" for anyone who wishes to compare any figures for transport in Scotland with those for some or all of the other parts of GB/UK.

Other DfT publications include some figures for Scotland, such as Transport Statistics Great Britain (which, like Scottish Transport Statistics, contains figures on many different aspects of Transport), Maritime Statistics, Public Transport Statistics, and Road Casualties Great Britain. Further information about DfT Transport Statistics publications is available via:

The Welsh Assembly Government produces various publications which contain statistics on transport in Wales, in particular Welsh Transport Statistics. More information is available via:

The statistical publications produced in Northern Ireland include Northern Ireland Transport Statistics. More information is available via:

3. Transport Statistics Users' Group

The Transport Statistics Users' Group (TSUG) was set up in 1985 as a result of an initiative by the Statistics Users Council and The Institute of Logistics and Transport (then known as The Chartered Institute of Transport). From its inception, TSUG has had strong links with government departments responsible for transport statistics.

The aims of TSUG are:

  • to identify problems in the provision and understanding of transport statistics, and to discuss solutions with the responsible authorities;
  • to provide a forum for the exchange of views and information between users and providers;
  • to encourage the proper use of statistics through publicity and education.

The main activities of TSUG are:

The production of a Newsletter containing reviews of recently published transport statistics, which is sent to members about four times per year.

The organisation of Seminars addressing contemporary issues in the field of transport statistics. Most seminars are held in London, but there is an annual seminar in Edinburgh and other ad hoc regional seminars. Reports of seminars appear in the Newsletter.

The production of the Transport Yearbook, an easy-to-use but comprehensive reference guide to major UK transport organisations, sources of transport statistics and other important UK and international contacts. A copy of the Yearbook is sent to all members.

The membership of TSUG includes government agencies, local authorities, trade associations, transport consultants, transport operators and universities, as well as individual professionals. Corporate membership of the Group is £50, personal membership £22.50, and student membership £10. For further information about TSUG and membership, please visit the website at or contact:

TSUG Membership Secretary TSUG Representative for Scotland
Nina Webster Dr Jock Robertson
C/o Strategy and Service Development
London Underground Ltd. Tel: 01529 497354
Transport for London Mobile: 07712 750658
Room 494 (4th Floor) Email:
55 Broadway
London SW1H 0BD
Tel: 020 7027 8340 Fax: 020 7918 4580