Scottish Transport Statistics No 33 2014 Edition

Research reports published since the previous edition of “Scottish Transport Statistics” are listed below.

Title Concessionary Travel Customer Feedback
Publication date August 2014
Contractor ODS Consulting / Research Resource
Purpose of research To collect the view of users of the Scotland-wide Free Bus Travel for Older and Disabled People Scheme. For the two years of fieldwork a total of 6000 card holders were interviewed by telephone, and a number of focus groups were also conducted. This report summarises the key findings from the second year of fieldwork of around 3000 cardholders.
Main findings
  • 98% of cardholders stated that they were either very or fairly satisfied with the scheme overall.
  • Satisfaction with bus travel generally was also high with over in 10 respondents (93%) expressing satisfaction when travelling by bus.
  • The most common types of journeys cardholders used the card for were shopping followed by leisure.
  • Respondents reported using their card frequently with almost two thirds (65%) saying that they use their card at least once per week with almost half (44%) using their card 4 or more times per week.
  • The distance travelled when using the card varied by area with respondents living in urban areas most likely to travel shorter distances. Almost half of those living in large urban areas used their card to travel distances of under 5 miles, whereas respondents living in remote rural areas usually used their card to travel distances of more than 25 miles.
  • Just over 4 in 10 respondents said that the main important aspect of the scheme for them was the financial savings. This was followed by giving the individual independence or freedom (22%) and allowing the respondent to get out of the house (10%). For respondents with a Disabled or Visual Impairment badge, the provision of independence was much more likely to be a key benefit.
  • 51% of respondents stated that they felt that having the concessionary travel card helps them maintain, or improve, their physical health. Respondents stated that they did more walking/ walk to the bus stop (46%) or that it simply got them out of the house/ out and about (44%).
  • In terms of its impact on mental wellbeing, 63% of respondents stated that they felt that having the concessionary travel card helped them maintain, or improve, their sense of mental wellbeing. This was more likely to be the case for those with a disabled or visually impaired card where 77% stated that having the card helped them improve or maintain their sense of mental wellbeing.
Link to report