Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 21 February 2024



  • Alison Irvine (AI) – Chief Executive


  • Gary Cox (GC) - Head of Aviation


  • Bettina Sizeland (BS) – Director


  • Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director
  • David Swanson (DS)
  • Items 1-3 Andy Pope (AP), Steven Wyllie (SW)
  • Item 4 - Danny Chalmers (DC)
  • Item 5 - Jason Connelly (JC)
  • Item 6 - Chris Jardine (CJ)


  • Roddy Macdonald (RM) - Director


  • Morna Cannon (MC) Interim Director

Major Projects

  • Lawrence Shackman (LS) - Director


  • Bill Reeve (BR) - Director


  • Hugh Gillies (HG) – Director


  • Fiona Brown (FB) – Interim Director

CEO Office

  • Mark Dunlop
  • Pam Yorke

Welcome/ Update

AI welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided an update on the recent Scotrail visit. She reminded everyone that the first portfolio meeting would be on 13 March.  She discussed the OD work, mandate letters and the ongoing work on Major Projects.


DS provided an update on the Risk Register Review group discussion and raised Sponsored Bodies. AI agreed that a TS Sponsored Bodies risk was required and asked GC to assist Kat. It was agreed that the Finance risk would be updated for the next meeting.


RM provided some background and context on the CHFS risk. This included the IDM, ETIM and the work the team had been doing to strengthen the PPM. It was agreed that a contingency plan was required and that the controls in place needed reviewed. Making sure we had the correct skillset would be part of this.  RM was content for this to go on the Risk Register.

Action: Look at a contingency plan for CHFS and review  controls - RM


HG provided some background and context to the Resilience risk. Resilience Governance Capability to look at TS. A discussion took place around the structure and if staff were trained at the correct levels.

AI advised she was content with the corporate 9 controls in place. AI asked HG  to consider if any more changes were required with more frequent disruption being experienced due to the increase of severe weather.  BS suggested linking in controls to the adaptation plan on climate change and use this for DG, linking in to the state of asset.  It was agreed we need to adapt to climate change and bring in ACAR. We should be recording actions and decisions. AP advised he would be able to help with the practicalities of this and will set up a discussion with HG & SL. AI asked HG to consider if additional training is required for gold and silver command.  HG will reflect on these and bring back to SMT.

AI asked requested that the Corporate Governance team pick another two risks for deep dives at another SMT.

Action: Organise a meeting with HG & SL – AP

Action: Consider if training required for Gold and Silver command – HG

Action: Resilience to be brought back to SMT for further discussion HG & AP

Action: Corporate Governance team to bring another two risks to another SMT


SW provided updates on OR and MRs. It was agreed that the trend and volume of correspondence was changing and SW would send a graph to AI to review.

Action: Correspondence trends graph to be sent to AI - SW.


DC provided a brief updates on communications. The Strategic Communications Planner is being finalised and brought back to an SMT for discussion.

Action: Strategic Communication Planner to be discussed at SMT.

Health and Safety

JC went over the action points from the last Health and Safety committee meeting with the senior management team.

Certificates of Assurance

CJ explain the process and what to expect ahead of the Commission being circulated and returns would be due on the 10 April.


MC provided an update on the work that she had been taking forward.  SMT discussed the ongoing plans for OD and leading through change.  AI asked if the objectives could be recirculated ahead of the OD session next week.

Action: Recirculate OD Objectives – MC


AI discussed the exceptions report with the SMT and advised that she would send her decision to HR for circulation.

Bothwell Street

It was agreed to return to this at another meeting.


There was no other business. The next meeting is on 27 March.

Published Date 15 Apr 2024 Type Topic