Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 26 July 2023



Alison Irvine (AI) – Chief Executive


Gary Cox (GC) – Interim Director


Bettina Sizeland (BS) – Director


Kerry Twyman (KT) -  Director

Andy Pope (AP) -  Head of Corporate Governance

David Swanson (DS) - Head of Corporate Services

Joanne Demarco (JD)

Jason Connelly (JC)

Sharon Gallacher (SG)


Roddy Macdonald (RM) – Director


Morna Cannon (MC) – Interim Director

Major Projects

Lawrence Shackman (LS) - Director


Bill Reeve (BR) - Director


Donald Morrison (DM) - Head of Asset Management and Procurement


Fiona Brown (FB) – Interim Director


Pam Yorke (PM) – Secretariat Manager

Mark Dunlop (MD) – Head of Chief Executives Office


KT provided an update on finance monitoring return which was returned to the SG on time.  Final sign off from Audit was expected imminently.  KT and BR to establish position re section 54 leases for rolling stock from Rail.

KT further updated on the Path to Balance and advised that a meeting with Cabinet Secretary is planned to discuss the resource position.

SMT were remined that they need to highlight any potential underspend to TS finance team.

KT advised she had recently attended a Capital Review Workshop and provided a brief explanation of the content.  A commission on the Capital Review has been circulated around Directorates and returns are due on 2 August.

Action: BR ensure KT has copies of the section 54 leases.

Action: Capital Review Commission returns are due on 2 August.


AP updated that the Risk Review Group had met yesterday and no target dates were required to be amended. He further advised that the TS Risk Register was due to be reviewed by 31 July and all Directors should review the content before submitting. The TS Risk framework and appetite should be ready from end of August.

Action: All Directors to review the Risk Register by 31 July.


AP advised that response rates for correspondence are good and that TS almost hit 100% target on FOIs.

The Correspondence team will be moving to be part of the Corporate Governance team from Monday 31 July. More information will be circulated around teams.

Corporate Update

HR Management Information

JD ran through a short presentation on staffing.  She highlighted that the staffing figures remained stable, the average working days lost due to staff absence had decreased which was positive. Staff are currently sitting with high leave entitlement outstanding but this would likely reduce after the summer leave period.

She further updated that she had requested data on the Wellbeing Hour from SG HR and would keep SMT updated on this.

Health and Safety

JC advised that the Health and Safety committee had reviewed the management risk register and the Governance had changed which was reflected in the Directorate risk registers.

The next Health and Safety committee meeting is on 11 August and JC requested that another Director attend.  MC, DM and LS agreed to attend on a rotational basis.

JC asked if he could have a volunteers for a  Health and Safety Liaison Officer for each Directorate.  Names to be sent to JC by 14 August.

Bothwell Street

Representatives from Michael Laird Architects and Turner and Townsend attended and provided a short presentation on the progress of 177 Bothwell St and sought approval of the floor plan of Bothwell St.  SMT agreed they were content with the plan.


  1. BR ensure KT has copies of the section 54 leases.
  2. Capital Review Commission returns are due on 2 August.
  3. All Directors to review the Risk Register by 31 July.
  4. Names for HSLO for each Directorate to be sent to JC by 14 August.

Published Date 26 Jul 2023 Type Topic