Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 27 September 2023



Alison Irvine (AI) – Interim Chief Executive


Gary Cox (GC) – Interim Director


Juliet Bell (JB) – Smart & Integrated Ticketing & Payment Programme Manager


Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director

Andy Pope (AP) – Head of Corporate Governance

Steven Wyllie (SW) – Corporate Governance Manager

David Swanson(DS) – Head of Corporate Services


Roddy Macdonald (RM) - Director


Morna Cannon (MC) – Interim Director

Major Projects

Lawrence Shackman (LS) - Director


Bill Reeve (BR) – Director


Hugh Gillies (HG) - Director


Fiona Brown (FB) – Interim Director

CEO Office

Mark Dunlop

Pam Yorke


Bettina Sizeland, Director of BAAT



AI welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded everyone that the Travelling Cabinet was on the 2 October and briefing on a range of topics, including the A83, Argyll & Bute and Ferries should be included.


KT provided a high level update on the finance paper which had been circulated on the forecast outturn of expenditure against budget for 2023-24 as at 31 August 2023. The report highlighted the variances from prior month and the key financial risks and opportunities. KT explained the RDEL variances. It was noted that a number of pressures have reduced since August. KT advised that AO templates should only be sent to DGNZ that are absolutely essential.

AI thanked KT for highlighting the changes in the paper since the last meeting.

AI asked for a further explanation on the expenditure to date on the RDEL revised budget.

MC raised Fair Work and the grant letters. AI asked MC to speak to colleagues in BAAT that were having similar issues to ensure a consistent approach.

  • Action – speak to BAAT colleagues about grant letters - MC


It was noted that there was no notable changes on the risk register and issues log. AP asked all Directors to review ahead of the Climate Change Board. AP highlighted two areas Roads and the target date and the Sponsored Body Asset Management risk which he will pick up with GC. AI asked for assurance that all Directors are reviewing the risk register. 

AI advised that Directors should be meeting with their Risk Champions on a regular basis and risks should be discussed at their senior management meetings. Divisional risks should be reviewed alongside the corporate register.

Risk Appetite Summary slide AI would like to meet to discuss this in more with AP.

Business Plan for 2023 completed and being sent to the Minister and work underway for 2024/25. A new template has been created and will be circulated around SMT.

  • Action – Organise a meeting to discuss the risk appetite slides with AI- AP
  • Action – Risk to be discussed at SMTs on a regular basis - All Directors


SW advised that there has been a dip in ministerial replies being sent on time. AI asked Directors for feedback on correspondence in their areas. GC felt there had been issue with diary cases and that the decision on ministerial portfolio responsibilities may have had an impact. Directors were asked to report any ongoing issues to SW and SW will take an action to look at the reasons as to why they are being returned.

Currently sitting at 100% of FOIs have been answered on time.

Directors were asked to make sure that correspondence is not being circulated around the Directorates by BMs. Advice on correspondence has been published on the Transport Scotland Staff Notice and Directors were asked to make sure staff had read this.

  • Action – Review reasons for correspondence being returned - SW

Corporate update

DS provided an update on the People Survey 25% of TS have completed so far. BMs will have access to the reporting tool soon. Directors were asked to send a reminder round their Directorates.

Roads were asked to let Jason know who their HSLO is.

AI asked DS for an update on the meeting with the Disability Network. DS advised this will be arranged. AI advised that HG will be the champion for D&I and should be included in discussions.

  • Action – People Survey reminder to be sent round Directorates – All Directors
  • Action – HSLO to be nominated for Roads and sent to Jason – HG
  • Action – Organise meeting with Disability Network and AI - DS


The date of the next meeting is 1 November 2023.

Published Date 27 Sep 2023 Type Topic