Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 28 February 2023
Hugh Gillies (HG) - Director
Martin Ritchie (MR) - Head of Ports, Shipping, Freight and Canals
Bettina Sizeland (BS) - Director
Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director
Andy Pope (AP) – Head of Corporate Governance
David Swanson (DS) – Head of Corporate Services
Elaine McAtamney (EM) – Senior Financial Accountant
Trevor McIlhatton (TM) - Head of CHFS Procurement
Stuart Greig (SG) – Director
Major Projects
Gavin Dyet (GD) - Head of Design Team 2
Bill Reeve (BR) - Director
Stewart Leggett (SL) – Director
Fiona Brown (FB) – Director
David Keltie-Armstrong (DA)
Gillian McCole (GM) – Head of Chief Executive Office
Pamela Yorke (PY) – Head of Secretariat
Steven Wyllie (SW) – Corporate Governance Manager
Michelle Quinn (MQ) – Interim Chief Exec
Fran Pacitti (FP) – Director of AMFC
Roddy Macdonald (RM) – Director of Ferries
Lawrence Shackman (LS) – Director of Major Projects
KT discussed the current financial landscape for TS. Financial forecasting continues to indicate TS coming in on budget for the year end. Finance have begun work on mapping out accruals for this years budget to ensure reporting on budgets remains precise and timeous. She also advised that any updates or budgets discussions should be communicated through TS finance.
AP presented slides to update the SMT on current work on risk. He reminded the SMT that the mandatory risk training is still not being completed by staff and that it is due for completion by all staff by the end of March 2023. The Pathways training report shows only 30% completion across the organisation.
Action: AP will send updated reports to Business Managers.
SW presented slides on current correspondence response levels. He added that to help directorates management of workloads, the weekly reminder continues to be issued for FOI, PQs, and MRs.
Business Planning
AP & SW discussed the Corporate & Business Plan document and templates with the SMT. DG Net Zero is now requesting that all business plans are submitted to its office before the ned of each financial year going forward. AP stressed that we would require all directorate templates submitted to the Governance team by 10th March in order to allow us to meet this deadline.
EM discussed with the SMT the letters of Delegated Authority, and provided an update on fraud detection. EM then moved to the Annual Report & Accounts which is being progressed for end of year. She highlighted the importance of the business planning process being accurate, clear and complete to allow her to report at the end of year on the progress TS has made against its objectives.
COVID inquiry
Work has progressed in providing an update to the UK Government. A team is now in place to handle the TS response to SG.
George House
George House is on track to be open to staff at the end of March. Directors will be able to access the building from 13th March if they wish to work from there.
Staff Conference
HG provided an update on the progress with the next staff conference. The location has bee agreed as Glasgow Caledonian University. This is central for all staff and is able to meet all our requirements for the numbers and break out rooms etc.