Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 28 June 2023



Alison Irvine (AI) – Chief Executive


Gary Cox (GC) – Interim Director


Bettina Sizeland (BS) – Director


Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director

Andy Pope (AP) – Head of Corporate Governance

David Swanson (DS) – Head of Corporate Services


Roddy Macdonald (RM) – Director


Morna Cannon (MC) – Interim Director

Major Projects

Lawrence Shackman (LS) - Director


Bill Reeve (BR) - Director


Stuart Wilson (SW) - Specialist Technical Adviser


Fiona Brown (FB) – Interim Director


Steven Wyllie (SW) – Corporate Governance Manager

Pam Yorke (PM) – Secretariat Manager

Mark Dunlop (MD) – Head of Chief Executives Office


KT advised the SMT that the first monthly monitoring update will be available early July. SG process changes have adjusted the reporting dates and timing and the finance team are working on the reports for these deadlines.

KT then provided and update on the in-year position with the Path to Balance. All SG portfolios are under pressure with requested savings. She advised that no extra savings have been requested of TS, and that AO templates are still ongoing.

On Capital spending everything is looking on track. There is some slippage, but this does not cause any concern. Future years spending and budgets are also being monitored. KT asked that everyone ensures their forecasts are accurate and any increases or changes should be communicated immediately to their respective finance partner.

AI reminded the SMT of the importance in adhering to the Path to Balance and AO templates. She noted it was good to see the savings being made, but that we must continue to report spend accurately and work with finance business partners to report changes.

Action: Finance to send on AO templates tracker.


AP provided an update on the risk landscape.  He asked specifically that directorates check their target dates and ensure these are accurate.

AP provided a summary of a suggested new risk to the SMT. He advised that this risk’s core theme was the risk of procurement team resource shortages. LS discussed the risk in detail. AI stated that this risk is not one that should be reflected separately as it is already captured by the resourcing risk already on the corporate risk register. She asked that an Organisational Design risk is drafted to capture all the other resource risk components.

AI also agreed with the SMT that the CHFS risk can be de-escalated and removed from the CRR as the resourcing has been resolved for this area.

Action: Remove CHFS risk and ensure that Organisational Design risk incorporates ongoing resource work.

Action: Directorates will revise target dates and review the risk champions attendees to ensure the right people are coming to meetings.


SW presented the correspondence figures for the month of May.  He advised the SMT that FoI was at 95% for the month, and thanked teams for ensuring our cases went out on time.

He highlighted that there may be a small dip in performance on Ministerial Replies due to the change in Minister.

Corporate & business plan

SW discussed the quarter 1 updates that had been submitted for the 2023-24 Business Plan.  He also advised that the Corporate Plan document was with AI for clearance before going to Minister.

Corporate Update

DS provided the corporate update. He asked that Directors and teams ensure all are aware of their weekly wellbeing hour. Managers should make sure colleagues are taking the time.

The People Survey build is now progressing. DS asked if directorates would like breakdown by their smaller teams, but advised this will only be effective if there are more than 10 people in the team.

Action: Any directorates wishing a smaller breakdown of survey results should inform DS.

SG have introduced the ability to record meetings on Microsoft Teams.  DS explained that a new draft policy was being drafted by Lorna Clark.  This will ensure meetings are not recorded routinely and are a matter of exception. This new feature presents challenges with ensuring that everyone on the meeting is adequately informed and consents to being recorded. We should consider the privacy of colleagues and externals who may join calls without the expectation of being recorded. AI agreed that the policy is needed and will be happy to see before it is communicated with staff.

DS then presented 3 potential floor schematics for TS’ space in 177 Bothwell Street.  Directors will need to agree a layout quickly to ensure the fit-out can progress on time.

Caledonian sleeper

BR presented some reflections on the taking over of the sleeper franchise.

Published Date 28 Jun 2023 Type Topic