Senior Management Team Meeting - Minutes - 30 May 2023
Alison Irvine (AI) – Chief Executive
Andrew Robinson (AR) – Head of ULEV Delivery
Bettina Sizeland (BS) – Director
Kerry Twyman (KT) – Director
David Swanson (DS) – Head of Corporate Services
Mark Dunlop (MD) - Communications Manager
Chris Wilcock (CW) – Head of Ferries Unit
Morna Cannon (MC) – Interim Director
Major Projects
Gavin Dyet (GD) - Head of Design Team 2
Jo Blewett (JB) – Organisation Design Lead
Bill Reeve (BR) - Director
Donald Morrison (DM) - Head of Asset Management and Procurement
Andy Park (APk) - Senior Economist
Steven Wyllie (SW) – Corporate Governance Manager
Gary Cox – Interim Director AMFC
Fiona Brown – Interim Director TSA
Andy Pope – Head of Corporate Governance
Gillian McCole (GM) – Head of Chief Executive Office
KT provided an update regarding the finance report for 2022-23
Directors were content with the report and agreed that future forecasting needs will be closely monitored to ensure the organisation remains efficient into the coming year.
AI reminded Directors about the importance of the AO tracker and ensuring this is completed.
SW confirmed to the SMT that a risk workshop is being scheduled for the end of June. He also highlighted the new DGNZ risk appetite paper which was included for the SMT’s information.
TS currently has an 82% completion rate for the mandatory risk training. SW reminded that 90% is the minumum level for assurance.. He confirmed that he will issue the training details to business managers to ensure the message is being cascaded accordingly.
SW asked the SMT to look over the current risk register and note areas where improvements were required. This is a living document and incremental changes are expected over a risk's lifespan. AI asked the SMT to look at the actions and mitigations as she would like these to be clearer and have a tangible impact on the risk scores.
SW also asked the SMT to consider the issues log and which risks have been realised and should appear there.
Action: SW to send out current training figures to business managers for cascading to relevant colleagues.
SW provided an update on correspondence for April. Work is ongoing to reduce a backlog in cases being allocated.
SW advised that 3 FoI training sessions had been scheduled for June for all staff to attend. These will be done via teams and will offer an overarching view of FOI/EIRs for staff, including a more focussed session for current case handers. AI reminded Directors that FOI performance is a priority across SG and TS must ensure any late cases are answered as soon as possible.
Comms Update
MD discussed the comms paper and schedule. He outlined key upcoming events and asked the SMT to ensure that if there were any events or statements currently not on the list, then these should be passed along to the comms team as soon as possible to ensure the teams are aware and prepared. Updates were provided with regards to the format and style. AI thanked comms for their work in pulling this together.
Organisational Design
JB provided an update on the organisational design work. She advised that she is keen to have all staff feel more included in the process of how the OD is going to look.
Regarding the collaborative work that Directors were working through JB asked that any progress should be provided by COP Thursday.
Action: Directors to provide updates to JB by COP Thursday 1 June.