PART II – PROCEDURES Application and Procedures Forms Model Letters and Agreements APPLICATION PROCESS FLOWCHART
Associated Procedures and Arrangements
1. Part II of this publication sets out procedures and arrangements to be followed in processing applications for signing of Truckstop facilities signed from Motorways and All-Purpose Trunk Roads of the Scottish Trunk Road Network (STRN). Consideration of this must reflect the terms of the "Scottish Planning Policy: SPP17 – Planning for Transport" and its associated guidance in "Planning Advice Note: PAN 75 – Planning for Transport" both of which should be read in conjunction with this document. This policy applies to all relevant new developments and the redevelopment of existing facilities on the STRN.
2. Operators wishing to make changes to their sites should consult the appropriate Local Planning Authority (LPA) in the first instance in order to seek verification that their proposals meet the standards laid down in this document and those of the Scottish Government’s publication, "Transport Assessment and Implementation: A Guide" (2005) and, in applying for planning approval in the normal manner, that it will be fully compliant with national planning policy and equality legislation.
3. The LPA will consult with the Scottish Government on any proposal affecting an existing or proposed service area and early consultation with Transport Scotland (TS), as their agents, to discuss the scope of Transport Assessments, is encouraged.
Application for Associated Signing
4. In addition to meeting the criteria laid down in the "Scottish Planning Policy (SPP17) – Planning for Transport" and its associated guidance in "Planning Advice Note (PAN 75) – Planning for Transport", to be considered as suitable for the provision of signing from the Motorway or trunk road network, the facility operator must satisfy the individual standards laid down for each type of facility, as described in this current document ["Truckstop Facilities in Scotland: Policy and Guidance on Signposting from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads (2009)"], together with a relevant Traffic Signs Agreement pertaining to the funding of works.
5. It must be noted that where two or more simultaneous applications for Truckstop signing are found to conflict in terms of route selected or where it is not possible to install clear and unambiguous signing as a result of multiple submissions, Transport Scotland will generally reject all such applications to ensure fairness. In reaching such a conclusion, the process will have previously examined and considered all relevant opportunities for mutually agreeable compromise that could eliminate the conflict, whilst meeting criteria and other requirements.
6. This policy will not be applied where a Truckstop facility has already been formally agreed and the potential for conflict has arisen purely as a result of a subsequent application. In such circumstances, the original arrangements will stand but to ensure an even-handed approach, all relevant information on the later application will be assessed to confirm that it otherwise meets the criteria while also to exploring the potential for overcoming this clash.
7. Provided that a Truckstop facility meets the essential criteria, including agreement in principle from a local authority for any continuation signing on local roads and has had an application for associated signing approved in principle (Form C), an Operator will be required to enter into an agreement with Transport Scotland in terms of Section 48 of the Roads [Scotland] Act, 1984. Only on its satisfactory conclusion, with funding having been secured within the terms of this legislation for all relevant equipment and services, will the erection of associated signing be permitted.
8. It must also be noted that the continued retention of such signing on the STRN is dependent on the Operator sustaining the provision of those facilities that were required to satisfy the initial establishment criteria.
9. As indicated in Part I (A5), the Operator will be responsible for the costs incurred in the initial set-up, including an element paid towards future maintenance and will pay for subsequent end-of-life replacement but with the signs and equipment remaining the property of Transport Scotland.
10. Also highlighted in Part I (A7) is a reminder that the Applicant must negotiate with, and seek agreement from, individual LAs regarding any associated signing on local roads and that there is a need for the liaison process between these parties to be maintained throughout the process.
Application and Procedures Forms
Application for the Signing of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and All-Purpose Trunk Roads in Scotland.
11. The following forms are designed to assist the application, assessment and decision-making processes associated with these procedures and to provide Transport Scotland (TS) with the information necessary to gauge whether proposed roadside facilities satisfy the criteria and conditions listed within "Signposting of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads – Policy and Guidance (2009)"
12. In permitting TS to consider if there is sufficient justification to support signing from the Motorway or All-Purpose Trunk Road Network, account will be taken of facilities which are ultimately accessed from local authority roads. In the latter situation, liaison will be undertaken with a relevant local authority to confirm agreement in principle to signing on these roads and to seek to promote a common approach to their provision there and on the STRN.
- Form A – This form is to be completed by the Applicant (or Applicant’s agent) and thereafter forwarded with the requisite supporting information to TS. (There is no associated fee for this application).
- Form B – TS will instruct the relevant Trunk Roads Operating Company (TROC) to evaluate the submission and to liaise fully with the relevant local authority over the associated proposals, ascertaining arrangements for the erection of continuation signs on local roads, where applicable. The TROC will complete Form B and prepare an Assessment Report based on their findings, returning these and any associated documents to Transport Scotland at the earliest opportunity.
- Form C – TS will ultimately issue its decision on Form C and will formally advise the Applicant / Applicant’s agent of this outcome.
Procedures for Notification
13. The matter of Notifications to the Applicant and other parties by TS is addressed later in this document (See "Model Letters and Agreements").
Application Process Flowchart
14. A Flowchart highlighting the key elements in the process and their sequence is shown on Page 23.
On completion of Form A, please send it, together with any requested information and documents to:
Network Operations,
Transport Scotland,
Buchanan House,
58 Port Dundas Road,
G4 0HF
Additional data may be required for applications involving local roads and other road authorities.
- Transport Scotland will return this form directly to the named contact in A12 and will copy it to the relevant Operating Company / Local Authority.
- Such approval is valid for a period of 6 months from the date entered in Form C. This will lapse if the relevant Agreement indicating acceptance of the formal requirements, has not been signed by, or on behalf, of the Truckstop Operator, and thereafter returned within this timescale to Transport Scotland.
Model Letters and Agreements
Letter of Approval in Principle
The following is a model letter from Transport Scotland to a Truckstop Facilities Operator, approving a request for signing:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your request for signing on the [No of trunk road] Trunk Road and can confirm that, after full examination [and consultation with (name of Local Authority where appropriate)], your application is approved in principle for traffic signs indicating direction to [name of the roadside facilities] at the locations listed in the attached Schedule, subject to the following conditions:-
This agreement is dependant on the criteria and parameters laid down in "Signposting of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads – Policy and Guidance (2009)"
- You will be responsible for paying the full cost of providing the traffic signs including the design, manufacture, supervision of works, posts and fittings, concrete, erection, traffic management, lane rental charges (if applicable) and safety fencing (if required);
- All signs and associated equipment installed on the STRN will become the property of Transport Scotland and no alterations to signs can be made without consent;
- Transport Scotland will assume responsibility for maintenance of the signs, with projected costs to be incurred by Transport Scotland having previously been represented in the initial set-up arrangements.
- The Truckstop Operator will also be responsible for the cost of its replacement when notified by Transport Scotland that it has reached the end of its serviceable life.
- The approved signs must be designed and manufactured in accordance with BS 873 [8] or any successor standard by [an agreed sign manufacturer] and installed by [the Trunk Road Operating Company] or [a contractor approved to work on the network] in direct liaison with the Trunk Road Operating Company.
- Transport Scotland reserves the right to remove, reposition, or alter the design of, the traffic signs. This is at Transport Scotland’s absolute discretion and in the interests of road safety, traffic management or for the purpose of accommodating other traffic signs or, where in Transport Scotland’s reasonable opinion, you have ceased to comply with the conditions set out and, in this latter case, you shall be responsible for any costs associated with the removal;
- A formal agreement must be entered into with Transport Scotland.
The estimated cost for the provision of the signs is in the order of £ [estimated cost].
[This paragraph may be amended, where necessary, to reflect arrangements with a local authority, when such signing continues onto local roads.]
A formal Letter of Agreement for your completion and signature, will follow shortly.
Yours faithfully,
Area Manager,
Transport Scotland
Encl. a) Schedule to Approval in Principle;
b) Form C.
Schedule to Approval in Principle
A copy of the "Letter of Approval in Principle", its associated "Schedule to Approval in Principle" and a copy of "Form C", should be forwarded for the information of both the Trunk Road Operating Company conducting the assessment process and the relevant Local Authority. (See framework for covering letter on Page 19.)
The following is a model letter from Transport Scotland to a Truckstop Operator, refusing an application for signing:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your request for signing on the [No of trunk road] Trunk Road and can confirm that, after full examination [and consultation with (name) Local Authority (where appropriate)], your application for such traffic signs on the Trunk Road/Motorway, indicating the direction to [name of roadside facilities] is refused because:
The proposal does not meet the criteria and conditions laid down in "Signposting of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads – Policy and Guidance (2009)"
- and / or
- It is not practicable for the proposed additional signing to be provided at the proposed location
- and / or
- The provision of additional signs would adversely affect road safety
- and / or
- The provision of additional signs would create unacceptable sign clutter
- and / or
- [Other reasons]
Yours faithfully,
Area Manager,
Transport Scotland
Encl. Form C
A copy of this "Letter of Refusal", together with a copy of "Form C", should be forwarded for information purposes to both the Trunk Road Operating Company conducting the assessment process and to the relevant Local Authority. (See framework for covering letter on Page 19.)
Letter to Trunk Road Operating Company / Local Authority advising either "Approval in Principle" or "Refusal"
The following is a model letter from Transport Scotland to Trunk Road Operating Company and relevant Local Authority confirming that an Approval in Principle or Refusal to provide signing has been intimated to a Truckstop Facilities Operator. This will be accompanied by a copy of Form C in either case.
Dear Sir/Madam
Transport Scotland, as Road Authority for the [full name of road(s)] Trunk Road(s), has formally agreed to the provision of traffic signs indicating the direction to [name of roadside facilities] on the [full name of road(s)] at the locations listed in the enclosed Schedule and shown on Drawing No(s) ............................, subject to the following terms and conditions:-
These arrangements are dependent on the criteria and parameters laid down in "Signposting of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads – Policy and Guidance (2009)"
- The Truckstop Operator will be responsible for paying the full costs of providing the traffic signs including the design, manufacture, supervision of works, posts and fittings, concrete, erection, traffic management, and safety fencing (if required);
- All signs and associated equipment installed on the STRN become the property of Transport Scotland and no alterations to signs can be made without TS consent;
- Transport Scotland will assume responsibility for maintenance of the signs, with projected costs to be incurred by TS having previously been represented in the initial set-up arrangements.
- The Truckstop Operator will also be responsible for the cost of its replacement when notified by Transport Scotland that it has reached the end of its serviceable life.
- The approved signs must be designed and manufactured in accordance with BS 873 [8] or any successor standard by [an agreed sign manufacturer] and installed by [the Trunk Road Operating Company] or [a contractor approved to work on the network] in direct liaison with the Trunk Road Operating Company.
- Transport Scotland reserves the right to remove, reposition, or alter the design of, the traffic signs. This is at Transport Scotland’s absolute discretion and in the interests of road safety, traffic management or for the purpose of accommodating other traffic signs or, where in Transport Scotland’s reasonable opinion, you have ceased to comply with the conditions set out and, in this latter case, you shall be responsible for any costs associated with the removal;
- The Truckstop Operator must enter into a formal agreement with Transport Scotland.
- [Other condition(s) as appropriate].
Transport Scotland, as Road Authority for the [full name of road(s)] Trunk Road(s), has refused permission for the provision of traffic signs indicating the direction to [name of roadside facilities] on the [full name of road(s)] for the following reason(s):- [List]
Yours faithfully
Area Manager,
Transport Scotland
Encl. Copy of Form C
Copy of Letter of Approval in Principle / Schedule or Letter of Refusal
The following is a model letter of Agreement between Transport Scotland and a Truckstop Facilities Operator.
Dear Sir/Madam
On behalf of Transport Scotland as Road Authority for the [full name of road(s)] Trunk Road(s) I hereby approve the placing of traffic signs indicating the direction to [name of destination] at the locations listed in the Schedule annexed and signed as relative hereto and in accordance with the enclosed [drawing no/design and site plan submitted to Trunk Road Operating Company on], subject to the following terms and conditions:-
This agreement is dependent on the criteria and parameters laid down in "Signposting of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads – Policy and Guidance (2009)"
- You will be responsible for paying the full cost of providing the traffic signs including the design, manufacture, supervision of works, posts and fittings, concrete, erection, traffic management and safety fencing (if required);
- All signs and associated equipment installed on the STRN become the property of Transport Scotland and no alterations to signs can be made without consent;
- Transport Scotland will assume responsibility for maintenance of the signs, with projected costs to be incurred by TS having previously been represented in the initial set-up arrangements.
- You will also be responsible for the cost of its replacement when notified by Transport Scotland that it has reached the end of its serviceable life.
- The approved signs must be designed and manufactured in accordance with BS 873 [8] or any successor standard by [an agreed sign manufacturer] and installed by [the Trunk Road Operating Company] or [a contractor approved to work on the network] in direct liaison with the Trunk Road Operating Company.
- Transport Scotland reserves the right to remove, reposition, or alter the design of, the traffic signs. This is at Transport Scotland’s absolute discretion and in the interests of road safety, traffic management or for the purpose of accommodating other traffic signs or, where in Transport Scotland’s reasonable opinion, you have ceased to comply with the conditions set out and, in this latter case, you shall be responsible for any costs associated with the removal;
- A formal agreement must be entered into with Transport Scotland.
- The estimated cost for the provision of the signs is in the order of £ [estimated cost]. [This paragraph may be amended, where necessary, to reflect any conjoined arrangements with a local authority, when such signing continues onto local roads.]
- As was previously intimated in Form C, "Approval in Principle" is valid for a period of 6 months from the date entered on the form, provided the agreement process is completed within that timescale. However, to ensure it does not lapse and to generally expedite matters, it is strongly recommended that the initialled second copy of this letter, together with the signed and dated Schedule confirming your formal agreement to the above conditions, be returned within 28 days of the date of this letter;
- [Other condition(s) as appropriate].
Yours faithfully,
Area Manager,
Transport Scotland
Encl. Schedule of Agreement / Copy Letter of Agreement (To be completed and returned)
Schedule of Agreement to be Completed and Returned by Truckstop Operator
A Schedule prepared to this model together with an attached copy of the letter, will accompany the original Letter of Agreement from Transport Scotland and will be completed by, or on behalf of, the Truckstop Operator.
This Schedule must be signed and its attached copy of the Letter of Agreement suitably initialled, to signify acceptance of the conditions, with both thereafter be returned to Transport Scotland.
Letter Confirming "Agreement" to Trunk Road Operating Company / Local Authority
Model letter from Transport Scotland to Trunk Road Operating Company and Local Authority, confirming the completion of "formal Agreement" with a Truckstop Operator for the provision of associated traffic signs. This will be accompanied by copies of the associated Schedule and any relevant documents.
Dear Sir/Madam
Transport Scotland, as Road Authority for the [full name of road(s)] Trunk Road(s), has formally agreed to the provision of traffic signs indicating the direction to [name of roadside facilities] on the [full name of road(s)] at the locations listed in the enclosed Schedule and shown on Drawing No(s) ............................, subject to the following terms and conditions:-
These arrangements are dependent on the criteria and parameters laid down in "Signposting of Truckstop Facilities from Motorways and Other Trunk Roads – Policy and Guidance (2009)"
- The Truckstop Operator will be responsible for paying the full cost of providing the traffic signs including the design, manufacture, supervision of works, posts and fittings, concrete, erection, traffic management and safety fencing (if required);
- All signs and associated equipment installed on the STRN become the property of Transport Scotland and no alterations to signs can be made without consent;
- Transport Scotland will assume responsibility for maintenance of the signs, with projected costs to be incurred by TS having previously been represented in the initial set-up arrangements.
- The Truckstop Operator will also be responsible for the cost of its replacement when notified by Transport Scotland that it has reached the end of its serviceable life.
- The approved signs must be designed and manufactured in accordance with BS 873 [8] or any successor standard by [an agreed sign manufacturer] and installed by [the Trunk Road Operating Company] or [a contractor approved to work on the network] in direct liaison with the Trunk Road Operating Company.
- Transport Scotland reserves the right to remove, reposition, or alter the design of, the traffic signs. This is at Transport Scotland’s absolute discretion and in the interests of road safety, traffic management or for the purpose of accommodating other traffic signs or, where in Transport Scotland’s reasonable opinion, you have ceased to comply with the conditions set out and, in this latter case, you shall be responsible for any costs associated with the removal;
- [Other condition(s) as appropriate].
Yours faithfully
Area Manager,
Transport Scotland
Encl. Copies of "Letter of Agreement" / "Schedule of Agreement"