The approach for undertaking this SEQIA and compiling this screening report follows a three-stage process:
- Review of key issues and evidence – a review of pertinent equalities and socio-economic issues relating to Active Travel in Scotland
- High level screening of impacts – review of strategic themes and actions against SEQIA criteria, informed by consideration of the key issues and evidence.
- Final Assessment - Updated screening report with input from a 12 week consultation.
Review of key issues and evidence
Evidence with regards to potential health and equality impacts was reviewed using the following sources of information:
NTS2 Delivery Plan SEQIA and HIIA
Cycling Scotland (2021) Annual Cycling Monitoring Report
Sustrans (2020) Cycling for Everyone Report
Sustrans (2019) Bike Life Report
Transport for All (2021) Pave the Way Report
Wheels for Wellbeing (2020) A Guide to Inclusive Cycling
Transport Scotland Key Reported Road Causalities (2020)
Road Space Reallocation in Scotland HIA
Screening Impact Assessment
The SEQIA screening assessment presents an initial review of each of the actions under the strategic themes within the Cycling Framework and provides an initial high-level assessment of how the action has potential to differentially or disproportionately affect each of the protected characteristics and other groups identified. It was published for the purposes of consultation to gather responses which can be used to inform the full assessment.
Final Impact Assessment
This impact assessment is an updated version of the Screening Impact Assessment, with updated assessments for each of the actions under the strategic themes within the Cycling Framework, further informed by consultation responses. A record of consultation comments and actions taken in response is provided in Appendix B.
A table has been used to record the initial findings and considerations with regards to the SEQIA and this can be found in Appendix A. A summary of the potential impacts is contained in Section 4 of this report.
The guide questions used to undertake the assessment are outlined below and are based on the requirements of the legislation and the available guidance outlined in Section 1.3 of this report.
Relevant groups/populations
Protected Characteristic Groups – existing evidence relating to these groups with regards to the action/policy and the negative and positive impacts for these groups.
- Age (all age groups but particularly children, younger people and older people)
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage/Civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race (all ethnic groups)
- Religion or belief (all religions and groups)
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
Children and Young People – relevant impacts on this group and specific groups that might be affected:
- Children
- Young people
Those experiencing inequalities of income caused by socio-economic disadvantage, including:
- People on low incomes
- People living in deprived areas (and within particular communities of place and interest)
- People with no/low wealth or in debt
- People in material deprivation
- People from different social classes
- Refugees & asylum seekers
- Homeless people
- People involved in the criminal justice system
- People with low literacy/numeracy
- Communities of interest or communities of place, which could be more affected than others
Determinants of health
- What impact will the proposal have on health-related behaviour? (e.g. exercise & physical activity)
- What impact will the proposal have on the social environment? (e.g. participation & social interaction)
- What impact will the proposal have on the physical environment? (e.g. living conditions)
- How will the proposal impact on access to & quality of services? (e.g. transport and connections)
National outcomes
Contribution to the National Outcomes of Children and Young People, Communities, Culture, Economy, Education, Environment, Fair Work & Business, Health, Human Rights, International, Poverty.
Potential negative impacts of barriers
- Potential direct or indirect negative impacts of each action, including direct and indirect discrimination, and intended and unintended consequences
- What might prevent the desired outcomes from being achieved?
- Potential barriers e.g. issues that will need to be taken into account during consultation/engagement
Potential adjustments
- How might the action be adjusted to reduce negative impacts?
- Any evidence on alternative approaches, from the UK and internationally
- Identify where further evidence may be required to support the action and inform recommendations.
Opportunities for PSED
- Opportunities each policy might present for:
- Advancing equality of opportunity e.g. by removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by people who share a relevant protected characteristic or by reducing or further reducing inequalities of outcome, particularly due to socio-economic disadvantage, or by benefiting particular communities of interest or of place
- Fostering good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it, in particular by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding
- Increasing community cohesion e.g. by encouraging people who share a certain characteristic to participate in public life or in any activity in which participation by such people is disproportionately low
- Pros and cons of these opportunities