Statistical Bulletin Transport Series - Transport and Travel in Scotland 2011

Table 16: [Travel to school reasons] Reasons for transport choice to children's full-time education establishment, 2001 - 2011*

Table 16: [Travel to school reasons] Reasons for transport choice to children's full-time education establishment, 2001 - 2011
  Usual method of travel to school
Walking Passenger
School bus Service bus
  cell percentages
Close / Nearby / Not far away 84 3 2 3
Most convenient 19 53 54 48
Travel with friends 5 2 4 4
Safest method 2 18 13 7
Quickest method 7 18 9 14
Only method available 2 8 21 17
Too far to walk 0 16 25 29
No public transport 1 6 4 1
Public transport unsuitable 1 4 3 0
Good exercise / fresh air 9 0 0 0
No car / transport 1 0 1 2
Cheapest method 1 1 3 2
It is free 1 0 9 1
On way to work 0 6 1 0
Too young to travel any other way 0 8 1 1
Relative meets child 0 1 0 0
Other reason(s) 1 6 4 3
Sample size (=100%) 11,923 5,103 4,023 1,478

*Percentages may total to more than 100% as respondents can give multiple answers. Table only includes those who have given a reason (question asked only of a sub-sample from 2005).