Statistical Bulletin Transport Series - Transport and Travel in Scotland 2011

Table 27: [Bus access] Households public transport availability, 2011

Table 27: [Bus access] Households public transport availability, 2011
Up to 6 mins
walk to nearest
bus stop
5+ buses per
(but may have a
long walk)
Bus stop within
6 min and 5+
buses per hour
All households in 2011: 84 23 22 14,358
by household type:
Single adult 88 28 27 2,360
Small adult 84 25 23 2,371
Single parent 89 29 27 766
Small family 86 23 21 1,838
Large family 84 21 19 863
Large adult 84 20 18 1,386
Older smaller 79 18 16 2,438
Single pensioner 82 23 21 2,336
by annual net household income:
up to £10,000 p.a. 86 27 25 2,425
over £10,000 - £15,000 86 25 23 2,752
over £15,000 - £20,000 86 26 24 2,195
over £20,000 - £25,000 84 22 20 1,733
over £25,000 - £30,000 83 22 20 1,224
over £30,000 - £40,000 83 21 19 1,764
over £40,000 p.a. 79 15 14 1,744
by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation:
1 (20% most deprived) 93 35 32 2,698
2 89 27 25 3,072
3 82 18 17 3,093
4 74 16 14 2,937
5 (20% least deprived) 83 21 18 2,545
by urban/rural classification:
Large urban areas 89 43 39 5,166
Other urban 90 18 17 4,318
Small accessible towns 84 3 3 1,231
Small remote towns 87 1 1 775
Accessible rural 65 2 2 1,550
Remote rural 58 1 1 1,316