Statistical Bulletin Transport Series - Transport and Travel in Scotland 2011

Table 32: [Concessionary fare pass] Possession of concessionary fare pass for all adults aged 60+, 2011

Table 32: [Concessionary fare pass] Possession of concessionary fare pass for all adults aged 60+, 2011
How often uses free travel pass Sample
Every day Almost
every day
2 or 3
a week
Once a week Once a fortnight Once a month Not used No pass
row percentages
b) All people aged 60+: 3 9 18 9 7 9 31 13 4,858
by gender:
Male 3 8 15 8 7 9 34 16 2,031
Female 4 11 21 10 7 9 29 10 2,827
by current situation:
Employed 3 8 10 8 7 9 27 28 653
Permanently retired 3 10 20 9 7 9 32 9 4,025
Permanently sick/disabled 3 4 11 10 4 4 38 25 118
by annual net household income:
up to £10,000 p.a. 4 14 19 9 6 8 31 10 1,200
£10,000 - £15,000 5 12 23 8 7 7 30 8 1,384
£15,000 - £20,000 3 8 18 11 6 8 33 13 829
over £20,000 p.a. 2 5 14 9 9 13 31 19 1,254
by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation quintiles:
1 (20% most deprived) 6 15 22 10 4 6 26 11 811
2 4 13 19 10 5 8 30 9 1,023
3 3 7 16 8 10 8 36 12 1,121
4 2 6 15 7 5 11 35 20 1,005
5 (20% least deprived) 2 7 20 11 11 12 27 10 895
by urban/rural classification:
Large urban areas 6 16 25 10 6 7 22 9 1,582
Other urban 3 9 19 9 7 11 31 10 1,456
Small accessible towns 2 7 14 10 10 11 34 12 422
Small remote towns 1 4 12 9 6 13 39 16 298
Accessible rural 1 3 9 6 6 9 43 22 539
Remote rural 0 1 5 4 9 10 47 23 560
by frequency of driving†:
Every day 0 2 9 7 8 15 40 19 1,251
At least once a week 1 5 19 10 10 10 32 12 1,208
Less often 5 16 22 12 6 8 21 9 430
by whether they hold a full driving licence:
Holds a full driving licence 1 5 15 9 9 12 34 15 2,856
Does NOT have full licence 7 16 24 9 5 5 26 9 2,002
by whether they have a disbility/illness:
Disability 4 8 15 9 7 7 36 15 557
Illness or health problem 4 10 20 10 7 10 28 11 1,029
Both 2 8 14 9 6 6 43 13 792
Neither 3 10 20 9 8 10 28 13 2,479

†Only includes those with a full driving licence