8. Progress towards the casualty reduction targets for 2020 (Tables 5-9)

8. Progress towards the casualty reduction targets for 2020 (Tables 5-9)

Target: 40% reduction in those killed by 2020

8.1 There were 186 people killed in 2011, 36 per cent below the 2004-08 baseline average level. Section 10.5 shows the relevant "indicative line" figure for 2011 (the reduction needed to achieve the 2020 target by means of a constant annual percentage reduction) is 18 per cent below the 2004-08 baseline average. Table 5 shows that the reduction required for people killed has exceeded this for cars.

Table 5: People killed by mode of transport, 1994 - 2011
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
1994-98 ave 104 11 31 209 3 15 5 378
1994 111 5 24 197 9 14 3 363
1995 121 11 33 221 1 19 3 409
1996 106 15 29 185 3 14 5 357
1997 87 9 37 219 2 16 7 377
1998 96 13 33 223 1 13 6 385
1999 89 8 30 169 1 11 2 310
2000 72 12 40 182 1 15 4 326
2001 76 10 49 194 0 14 5 348
2002 73 8 46 154 0 21 2 304
2003 63 14 50 189 1 14 5 336
2004 76 7 42 167 3 12 1 308
2005 66 16 34 153 0 15 2 286
2006 61 10 58 175 0 8 2 314
2007 60 4 40 160 0 15 2 281
2008 60 9 34 153 1 8 5 270
2009 47 5 43 116 0 5 0 216
2010 47 7 35 105 1 8 5 208
2011 prov. 43 7 33 89 1 9 4 186
2004-08 average 65 9 42 162 1 12 2 292
2007-11 average 51 6 37 125 1 9 3 232
Numbers in 2011
implied by target
53 8 34 133 1 10 2 239
2011 % change: * * * -15% * * * -11%
on 2010 on 04-08 ave -33% * * -45% * * * -36%

*A percentage change is not shown if the denominator is50 or fewer.
1. Light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles.
2. Taxis, minibuses and other modes of transport.

Target: 55% reduction in those seriously injured by 2020

8.2 There were 1,873 serious injuries in 2011, 28 per cent below the 2004-08 baseline level. Two fifths of the 1,873 people who were reported as seriously injured in 2011 were car users. The 2011 figure for serious car casualties (756) was 40 per cent below the 2004-08 average. There were 512 seriously injured pedestrians reported in 2011, 22 per cent fewer than the 2004-08 average. Goods vehicle serious casualties were 23 per cent lower and motorcycle serious casualties were 21 per cent lower. Serious casualties were smaller for the remaining categories of road user (pedal cyclists: 16; bus/coach users: 9; and others: 13).

Table 6: People seriously injured by mode of transport, 1994 - 2011
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
1994-98 ave 1,272 238 324 2,292 93 156 84 4,464
1994 1,536 311 329 2,607 141 197 87 5,208
1995 1,466 281 362 2,432 104 192 93 4,930
1996 1,173 201 271 2,108 93 123 72 4,041
1997 1,124 201 321 2,146 53 120 82 4,047
1998 1,060 197 338 2,167 75 150 85 4,072
1999 1,054 181 401 1,835 82 133 79 3,765
2000 925 164 435 1,796 79 106 63 3,568
2001 842 161 405 1,758 62 115 67 3,410
2002 820 144 410 1,628 59 120 48 3,229
2003 712 125 367 1,511 69 114 59 2,957
2004 674 121 353 1,414 63 83 58 2,766
2005 677 116 371 1,304 63 83 52 2,666
2006 688 131 352 1,258 57 91 58 2,635
2007 594 147 381 1,110 33 87 33 2,385
2008 645 155 396 1,203 59 65 52 2,575
2009 509 152 332 1,135 36 73 50 2,287
2010 457 138 319 902 52 60 40 1,968
2011 prov. 512 156 292 756 50 63 44 1,873
2004-08 average 656 134 371 1,258 55 82 51 2,605
2007-11 average 543 150 344 1,021 46 70 44 2,218
Numbers in 2011
implied by target
480 98 271 921 40 60 37 1,907
2011 % change: 12% 13% -8% -16% -4% 5% * -5%
on 2010
on 04-08 ave
-22% -16% -21% -40% -9% -23% -13% -28%

*A percentage change is not shown if the denominator is50 or fewer.
1. Light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles.
2. Taxis, minibuses and other modes of transport.

Target: 50% reduction in children killed by 2020

8.3 Five of the seven children who were killed in 2011 were in cars and the other two were pedestrians. Due to small numbers and year to year fluctuations this target is measured using a three year average. An average of 5 children a year were killed in the 2009-2011 period, 65 per cent below the 2004-2008 baseline.

Table 7: Children killed by mode of transport, 1994 - 2011
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users 3 year Average 3
1994-98 ave 17 3 0 8 1 0 0 30
1994 18 4 1 10 4 - - 37
1995 16 3 - 11 - - - 30 31
1996 16 6 1 3 1 - - 27 28
1997 15 1 - 9 - 1 - 26 28
1998 18 3 - 9 1 - 1 32 28
1999 17 1 - 6 - - 1 25 26
2000 13 4 - 4 - - - 21 22
2001 14 4 - 2 - - - 20 18
2002 12 - - 2 - - - 14 17
2003 5 2 - 10 - - - 17 14
2004 8 - 1 3 - - - 12 13
2005 5 4 - 1 - - 1 11 16
2006 9 5 - 10 - 1 - 25 15
2007 4 1 - 4 - - - 9 18
2008 4 2 1 13 - - - 20 11
2009 1 1 - 3 - - - 5 10
2010 1 1 1 1 - - - 4 5
2011 prov. 2 - - 5 - - - 7
2004-08 average 6 2 0 6 - 0 0 15
2007-11 average 2 1 0 5 - - - 9
2009-11 average 5
2009-11 avg % change
on 04-08 ave

1. Light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles.
2. Taxis, minibuses and other modes of transport.
3. All averages rounded to whole percentages.

Target: 65% reduction in children seriously injured by 2020

8.4 There were 203 children seriously injured in 2011, 38 per cent below the 2004-08 baseline level. About two-thirds of the 203 children recorded as seriously injured in 2011 were pedestrians: 139, 36 per cent below the 2004-08 average. There were 34 child car seriously injured casualties recorded in 2011, a fall of 45 per cent from the 2004-08 average. The numbers of serious casualties for other modes of transport were much lower and the differences between the 2004 -08 average were also much smaller.

Table 8: Children seriously injured by mode of transport, 1994 - 2011
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users
1994-98 ave 546 96 5 136 10 8 10 812
1994 656 140 5 151 20 12 8 992
1995 622 110 7 142 9 13 17 920
1996 524 94 3 115 14 3 10 763
1997 490 77 4 129 3 6 10 719
1998 437 61 8 144 5 6 5 666
1999 413 68 5 102 2 2 8 600
2000 365 61 7 90 7 5 5 540
2001 339 52 7 108 5 6 7 524
2002 328 46 7 109 9 7 7 513
2003 268 46 5 83 5 2 6 415
2004 239 40 9 74 3 3 4 372
2005 239 26 11 68 6 2 5 357
2006 239 35 10 60 4 0 2 350
2007 181 28 4 51 1 1 3 269
2008 194 18 5 56 2 1 3 279
2009 155 26 2 62 2 1 5 253
2010 150 23 3 40 7 0 0 223
2011 prov. 139 23 2 34 4 0 1 203
2004-08 average 218 29 8 62 3 1 3 325
2007-11 average 164 24 3 49 3 1 2 245
Numbers in 2011
implied by target
149 20 5 42 2 1 2 221
2011 % change: -7% * * * * * * -9%
on 2010
on 04-08 ave
-36% * * -45% * * * -38%

*A percentage change is not shown if the denominator is50 or fewer.
1. Light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles.
2. Taxis, minibuses and other modes of transport.

Target: 10% reduction in slight casualties by 2020 (per 100 million vehicle kilometres)

8.5 Table 9 shows that the 2010 slight casualty rate was 25.67 casualties per 100 million vehicle kilometres (As 2010 is the latest year for which there is an estimate of the total volume of traffic for Scotland as a whole). This was 21 per cent below the 2004-08 baseline average and exceeds the 2020 target.

8.6 Around two-thirds of slight casualties reported in 2011 were car users. The total number of car user slight casualties recorded in 2011 was 6,923, 25 per cent below the 2004-08 average. There were 1,502 pedestrian slight casualties reported, 30 per cent less than the 2004-08 average. Bus and coach user slight casualties totalled 451 in 2011, 35 per cent fewer than the 2004-08 average, the recorded number of pedal cyclist slight casualties (661) was 8 per cent below the baseline average, and reported goods vehicle user slight casualties (382) were 24 per cent fewer than the baseline average and recorded motorcyclist slight casualties (482 in 2011) were 24 per cent below the 2004-08 average.

Table 9: Slight casualties by mode of transport, 1994 - 2011
Pedestrian Pedal cycle Motor cycle Car Bus/ coach Goods1 Other2 All road users Slight casualty rate
numbers mill veh-km per 100 mill veh-km
1994-98 ave 3,009 1,034 580 10,859 912 583 501 17,478 37,653 46.42
1994 3,083 1,068 577 10,123 1,084 669 398 17,002 36,000 47.23
1995 3,048 1,031 576 10,321 802 579 498 16,855 36,737 45.88
1996 3,047 1,081 550 10,740 902 499 499 17,318 37,777 45.84
1997 2,944 1,062 590 11,669 886 525 529 18,205 38,581 47.19
1998 2,921 930 605 11,444 887 643 580 18,010 39,168 45.98
1999 2,620 828 594 10,901 841 609 534 16,927 39,770 42.56
2000 2,607 708 655 10,675 854 542 582 16,623 39,561 42.02
2001 2,487 745 724 10,342 761 595 499 16,153 40,065 40.32
2002 2,423 676 711 10,050 801 621 460 15,742 41,535 37.90
2003 2,215 663 697 10,055 822 537 474 15,463 42,038 36.78
2004 2,328 648 599 10,024 849 561 419 15,428 42,705 36.13
2005 2,308 649 677 9,532 794 495 478 14,933 42,718 34.96
2006 2,104 640 658 9,272 706 484 456 14,320 44,120 32.46
2007 2,049 563 640 8,793 590 506 431 13,572 44,666 30.39
2008 1,887 566 612 8,314 527 467 373 12,746 44,470 28.66
2009 1,643 647 646 8,329 437 423 416 12,541 44,219 28.36
2010 1,510 636 491 7,293 487 386 359 11,162 43,488 25.67
2011 prov. 1,502 661 482 6,923 451 382 303 10,704 .. ..
2004-08 average 2,135 613 637 9,187 693 503 431 14,200 32.52
2007-11 average 1,718 615 574 7,930 498 433 376 12,145 .. ..
Rate in 2010
implied by target
2011 % change: -1% 4% -2% -5% -7% -1% -16% -4% .. ..

on 2010
on 04-08 ave

-30% -8% -24% -25% -35% -24% -30% -25% .. -21%3

1. Light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles.
2. Taxis, minibuses and other modes of transport.
3. Relates to 2010 data as 2011 traffic estimates not yet available.