Table 22: [Park & Ride] Mode of transport used in conjunction with driving by where parked, 2009 - 2013

Table 22: [Park & Ride] Mode of transport used in conjunction with driving by where parked, 2009 - 2013

Table 22: [Park & Ride] Mode of transport used in conjunction with driving by where parked, 2009 - 2013*
Bus Train Walk Sample size (=100%)
row percentages
All adults who used driving/parking in past month 29 49 17 6,557
by where parked:
A specially designated Park and Ride facility 48 50 3 1,850
An ordinary car park at a bus station, train station or airport 10 80 4 1,836
A public car park 28 28 34 993
On the street near a station or bus stop 37 45 16 961
On the street elsewhere 22 10 60 739

*Percentages may total to more than 100% as respondents can give multiple answers.

Table 23: Concerns with traffic growth
Following changes to the Scottish Household survey data for Table 23 is no longer collected - Please see TATIS 2011 for the most recently produced version of the table.

Table 24: Incidents of road rage directed at respondents in past year
Following changes to the Scottish Household survey data for Table 24 is no longer collected - Please see TATIS 2011 for the most recently produced version of the table.