Table TD12: [Congestion delays] Percentage of driver stages where congestion delays were experienced by amount of time delayed, 2013

Table TD12: [Congestion delays] Percentage of driver stages where congestion delays were experienced by amount of time delayed, 2013

Table TD12: [Congestion delays] Percentage of driver stages 1 where congestion delays were experienced by amount of time delayed, 2013 2
Not delayed 0-2 minutes about 5 mins about 10 mins about 15 mins 20 to 30 mins over 30 Delayed Sample size (=100%)
All driver stages 90.3 0.6 3.2 2.7 1.3 1.6 0.3 9.7 10,197
by purpose of journey:
Commuting 82.4 0.6 5.3 5.2 2.4 3.4 0.8 17.6 2,573
Business 83.6 ** 2.2 4.0 5.5 3.5 ** 16.4 386
Education 91.1 ** 4.1 1.6 ** ** ** 8.8 439
Shopping 94.1 0.8 2.6 1.6 0.4 0.5 . 5.8 2,052
Visit hospital/other health 92.1 . 3.4 2.6 ** ** . 7.9 221
Other personal business 96.8 ** 0.9 ** . . ** 3.2 436
Visiting friends/relatives 93.4 0.6 1.9 1.7 0.8 1.3 ** 6.6 1,220
Eating/drinking 99.4 ** . . . . . 0.6 136
Sport/entertainment 94.1 . 3.3 1.5 . 1.1 . 5.9 499
Holiday/day trip 96.5 . . ** ** . ** 3.5 105
Other 90.6 ** 3.8 3.0 ** 1.2 ** 9.4 298
Escort 92.0 . 4.9 ** ** . . 8.0 203
Go home 94.0 ** 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.1 ** 6.0 1,468
Just go for a walk 98.1 . ** ** ** . . 1.9 161
by day of the week:
Monday 91.4 0.6 2.7 2.4 1.6 1.4 ** 8.6 1,799
Tuesday 86.4 0.9 3.5 3.9 2.2 2.2 0.7 13.6 1,912
Wednesday 88.8 0.3 4.5 2.4 1.3 2.4 ** 11.2 1,758
Thursday 88.4 1.2 3.5 3.6 1.4 1.4 ** 11.6 1,373
Friday 89.1 0.4 4.2 2.5 1.3 2.0 ** 10.9 1,306
Saturday 94.0 . 2.3 2.1 0.5 0.9 . 5.7 675
Sunday 97.2 ** 0.6 1.2 ** ** ** 2.8 1,374
Weekday journeys - by start time:
Before 7 a.m. 89.3 . 2.3 3.4 2.0 2.6 ** 10.7 317
7:00 to 7:59 a.m. 80.4 ** 5.3 5.7 1.7 5.7 ** 19.6 517
8:00 to 8:59 a.m. 80.8 2.3 6.0 5.3 3.1 2.0 ** 19.1 748
9:00 to 9:59 a.m. 93.1 ** 3.7 1.5 ** ** . 6.9 487
10:00 to 10:59 a.m. 93.2 ** 2.0 3.4 ** ** . 6.8 433
11:00 to 11:59 a.m. 97.1 ** 1.0 ** ** ** . 2.9 493
noon to 12:59 p.m. 94.9 ** 1.5 1.3 ** ** . 5.1 495
1:00 to 1:59pm 97.1 ** 1.7 ** ** ** . 2.9 479
2:00 to 2:59pm 95.8 ** 1.9 ** ** ** . 4.2 550
3:00 to 3:59pm 89.3 ** 2.4 3.7 1.9 0.9 1.3 10.7 630
4:00 to 4:59pm 81.3 1.1 5.2 5.7 1.5 3.9 1.4 18.7 790
5:00 to 5:59pm 77.2 1.3 9.4 4.7 4.0 2.8 0.5 22.8 785
6:00 to 6:59pm 87.8 ** 3.6 2.6 2.3 3.4 . 12.2 488
7:00 to 7:59pm 98.3 . . ** ** . . 1.7 348
8:00 to 8:59pm 99.2 ** ** . . . . 0.8 260
9:00 to 9:59pm 98.8 ** . . . . . 1.2 164
After 10pm 96.3 . ** . ** . . 3.7 164
Weekend journeys - by start time:
Before 9:30am 94.9 . ** ** ** ** . 5.2 198
9:30am to before 12noon 97.0 . ** ** . ** ** 2.4 399
12noon to 2 pm 94.0 ** 3.0 1.7 ** ** . 6.0 515
After 2pm to before 4:30pm 94.4 . 1.7 3.6 ** . . 5.6 373
4:30pm to before 6:30pm 96.3 . ** ** ** ** . 3.7 275
6:30pm onwards 98.7 . ** . ** . . 1.3 289
by urban/rural classification:
Large urban areas 87.3 0.4 3.7 3.6 1.9 2.5 0.5 12.7 2,783
Other urban areas 91.7 0.7 3.5 2.3 1.0 0.8 ** 8.3 3,184
"Accessible" small towns 89.2 ** 1.9 3.3 2.0 3.0 ** 10.8 1,019
"Remote" small towns 92.1 1.5 3.1 2.6 ** . . 7.9 650
"Accessible" rural areas 90.6 0.7 3.3 1.9 1.0 1.7 0.8 9.3 1,366
"Remote" rural areas 97.0 ** 0.9 1.2 ** . . 2.7 1,195

1. A journey can consist of one or more stages. A new stage is defined when there is a change in the form of transport or when there is a change of vehicle requiring a separate ticket.
2. Car drivers were asked "was this part of your trip delayed due to traffic congestion?". No definition of "traffic congestion" is given, so respondents can interpret the term as they wish. Those drivers who said that they had been delayed by traffic congestion were asked "how much time do you think was lost due to traffic congestion?".
** Cell values supressed as percentage figure based on less than 5 responses