Strategic Consultation on Works on Scottish Roads Analysis of Consultation Responses


The authors would like to thank a number of people who made this work possible.

Firstly, in recognition of the considerable time and energy that went into the preparation and execution of the consultation itself, we thank the previous Scottish Road Works Commissioner, John Gooday, along with the current Commissioner, Elspeth King and the members of the Scottish Road Works Policy Development Group.

For their considerable time and effort in assisting with the analysis, interpretation and reporting of findings from the consultation, we would like to thank Raymond Elliot and Renée Statt, also from the Commissioner's office. Their diligence and patience in explaining the context for the work and proof reading the draft reports is greatly appreciated.

From Transport Scotland, we would like to thank John Galilee for overseeing the research process and for providing comments on the draft report, as well as Joanne Gray for her input to the analytical work.

Finally, we would like to thank all of those who took time to respond to the consultation, for their valuable feedback on the various proposals outlined. They, together, with members of the road works community in Scotland and further afield have provided a wealth of valuable data that can be used to take forward the onward successful planning and delivery of works on Scottish roads, for the benefit of all.