- AT - Auckland Transport
- BC Ferries - British Columbia Ferries
- BCFA - British Columbia Ferries Authority
- BCTFA - British Columbia Transportation Financial Authority
- CAA - Civil Aviation Authority
- C-DEL - Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit
- CFL - CalMac Ferries Limited
- CGS - Capital Goods Scheme
- CHFS - Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services
- CMAL - Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
- CMCG - Caledonian MacBrayne Crewing (Guernsey)
- DB - Defined Benefit
- DfT - Department for Transport
- DML - David MacBrayne Limited
- EMA - Emergency Measures Agreement
- GBR - Great British Railways
- HIAL - Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
- JV - Joint Venture
- LA - Local Authority
- LBTT - Land and Building Transaction Tax
- LTMA - Land Transport Management Act
- MoD - Ministry of Defence
- NIFS - Northern Isles Ferry Services
- NR - Network Rail
- NSPSG - Network Strategy Programme Steering Group
- NSW - New South Wales
- Ofwat - Water Services Regulation Authority
- ONS - Office of National Statistics
- ORR - Office of Rail and Road
- R-DEL - Revenue Departmental Expenditure Limit
- ROSCO - Rolling Stock Company
- RPTP - Regional Public Transport Plan
- RTP - Regional Transport Partnership
- SG - Scottish Government
- SNF - Serco NorthLink Ferries
- SPT - Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
- SRWC - Scottish Road Works Commissioner
- SRWR - Scottish Road Works Register
- STAG - Scotland Transport Appraisal Guidance
- TfNSW - Transport for New South Wales
- TOC - Train Operating Company
- TOGC - Transfer of Going Concern
- TS - Transport Scotland
- VAT - Value Added Tax
- WACC - Weighted Average Cost of Capital
- WICS - Water Industry Commission for Scotland